

  • 出版日期:103-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Reproductive Biology of the Brushtooth Lizardfish, Saurida undosquamis, in the Waters off Southwestern Taiwan
  • 作者:吳春基‧黃建智‧翁進興‧吳龍靜
  • 作者auther(英):Chuen-Chi Wu, Jian-Zhi Huang, Jinn-Shing Weng and Long-Jing Wu
  • 卷別:22
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:23-41

花斑蛇鯔 (Saurida undosquamis) 係臺灣西南海域小型拖網船及底刺網之主要經濟性漁獲魚種之一,周年均可漁獲。本研究所使用之標本,係於 2008 年 5 月至 2009 年 5 月間,按月至高雄市梓官及屏東縣東港區漁會魚市場採集,而這些標本係由當地之小型單拖網船所漁獲,共計採得標本 2,078 尾,總性比為 51.3%,整體上,雌魚之體型比雄魚大,而在主要產卵群的 350 mm 以上之中大型魚亦以雌性魚佔極大優勢。花斑蛇鯔體長與體重之關係式為 BW = 6.0 × 10-6 FL3.091 (R2 = 0.974,n = 2,078,χ2 = 0.001,p<0.05);雌魚在生殖期間,卵徑達 0.5 mm,即發育至成熟狀態,達 1.0 mm 即呈透明卵 (水卵);依據生殖腺指數 (GSI)、肥滿度 (CF)、肝臟指數 (HSI) 及卵徑月別頻度分布,再配合組織切片顯微觀察等各指標判斷,花斑蛇鯔主要產卵期在9月至翌年5月,產卵盛期在 2 ~ 4月,是屬於生殖期長且一年多次產卵型者。花斑蛇鯔之平均產卵數為 29,200 ± 26,978 粒,卵巢內卵粒成熟率介於 3.4 ~ 29.2%,平均為 15.9%,相對孕卵數為 100 ~ 2,087粒,平均為 890粒,相對孕卵數與尾叉長之間無顯著關係。花斑蛇鯔成熟比率與體長之關係式,雌雄分別為 Pr = 1/ (1 + e7.60-0.0386FL) ( R2 = 0.861, n = 319)、Pr = 1/ (1 + e4.85-0.0239FL) (R2 = 0.914, n = 405),50% 性成熟體長雌雄分別為 196.8 mm、202.6 mm,而兩者之體長分別至 425.0 mm 及 375.0 mm 以上時,即達100%之性成熟。


The brushtooth lizardfish, Saurida undosquamis, is one of the important commercial species for the trawl fishery in southwestern Taiwan. Its reproductive biology was described based on 2,078 specimens collected between May 2008 and May 2009 caught by small trawlers in the waters off southwestern Taiwan. The sex ratio, 51.3% (1,065/2,078), was significantly different from 50%, and females predominated for fork length greater than 350 mm. The sexes-combined relationship between body weight (BW) and fork length (FL) was estimated as BW = 6.0 × 10-6 × FL3.091 (R2 = 0.974, n = 2,078, χ2=0.001, p<0.05). Oocytes were mature when they attained 0.5 mm or larger in diameter, and the transparent oocytes were found when their diameter attained 1.00 mm. A multiple spawning pattern was observed for this species, and its spawning season extended from September to May and peaked from February to April based on the microscopic observation, gonadosomatic index, condition factor, oocyte diameter monthly distributions and hepatosomatic index. The mean fecundity was estimated to be 168,373 ± 132,060. The mean batch fecundity was estimated to be 29,200 ± 26,978, and relative fecundity ranged from 100 ~ 2,087 (mean 890) per gram of body weight. The mature rate of ovarian eggs ranged from 3.4% to 29.2%, with an average of 15.9%. The logistic curves describing the relationship between proportion of maturity (Pr) in each length interval and fork length were estimated to be Pr = 1/ (1+e7.60-0.0386FL) (R2 = 0.861) for females and Pr = 1 / (1+e4.85-0.0239FL) (R2 = 0.914) for males. Sizes at 50% maturity were estimated to be 196.8 mm and 202.6 mm FL and at 100% maturity were estimated to be 425.0 mm and 375.0 mm FL for both females and males, respectively.