

  • 出版日期:84-06-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Effects of Mercury on the Growth, Hepato-somatic Index, Water Content in Muscle and Osmotic and Protein Concentrations in the Hemolymph of Penaeus penicillatus
  • 作者:林世榮, 丁雲源
  • 作者auther(英):Lin, S. J. and Y. Y. Ting
  • 卷別:3
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:41-51

本研究之主要目的在於瞭解汞對紅尾蝦慢性毒性之影響。在較低濃度下,探討汞溶液 (7、14、21、28與35 mg/L) 對紅尾蝦之生長、肌肉水分含量、肝重比、血淋巴滲透壓與蛋白質含量之影響,以提供建立水產用水基準與公害鑑定之參考。
紅尾蝦飼養在低濃度汞溶液中80天,體重與體長隨飼育日數增加而上升,各處理組間無差異性。在日間成長率,濃度28與35 mg/L 組與對照組比較有顯著下降。飼料效率方面,當濃度在21 mg/L 以上時,各處理組皆比對照組差。攝餌量在濃度為28與35 mg/L 組與對照組比
較,顯著減少。活存率在飼育20天時,各處理組皆達100% ,但隨後則有下降趨勢;到第80天,濃度在14 mg/L 以上之各處理組皆比對照組差。
紅尾蝦飼養在低濃度汞溶液中80天,肌肉水分含量與肝重比皆與各處理濃度有顯著相關,且各試驗組間有顯著差異性;隨濃度增加,肌肉有脫水,肝重比有減少之趨勢;對照組與濃度在 14 mg/L 以上之各處理組有顯著差異。
紅尾蝦飼養在低濃度汞溶液中80天,其血淋巴滲透壓、蛋白質含量與各處理濃度有顯著相關性,且各試驗組間有顯著差異性;隨濃度增加,滲透壓與蛋白質含量有上升之趨勢;濃度在14 mg/L 以上之各處理組皆與對照組有顯著差異。


The water content in muscle, hepato-somatic index, total protein and osmolarity of hemolymph of red tail shrimp Penaeus penicillatus were examined to understand the chronic effect of mercury toxicity on the growth of the shrimp. The results of the analysis were provided as a reference for pond administration and water quality standardization. The red tail shrimps were exposured in low mercury concentrations for 80 days, their body weight and total length increased with time. The mercury concentration became higher, their growth rate and feed efficiency became lower. The survival rate were 100% after 20 days of exposure in each test group, but survival rates decreased after 80 days in groups with higher mercury concentration. The water content in muscle and hepato-somatic index were significantly related to mercury concentration. The osmolarity of hemolymph were also significantly related to mercury concentration. With the concentration increased, the total protein and osmolarity of hemolymph increased accordingly.