

  • 出版日期:87-06-01
  • 標題title(英):
    The relationship between rearing condition and bacterial disease infection of grass prawn Penaeus monodon in Taiwan
  • 作者:劉文御, 黃美瑩, 廖一久
  • 作者auther(英):Liu, W. Y., M. Y. Hwang and I C. Liao
  • 卷別:6
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:1-15

台東 (A、B) 及宜蘭 (C、D池) 兩地之四口草蝦養殖池,其池水的條件(如:pH值、溫度、溶氧、鹽度、氨-氮、ORP值、硫化氫等)均在草蝦適宜生長之正常值內。惟,四口採樣池之表層底泥中的平均ORP值均為負值,底泥的 COD 值偏高,硫化氫濃度亦同,此一結果顯示四口試驗池中的底質情況均不理想。分析表層底泥發現,除 C 池的 COD 值稍偏高外,在所有底泥檢測項目中均顯示 A、B 池的底質比C、D池差,但是A、B池並無蝦病發生而且收穫量正常 (1,200 kg及900 kg/0.1 ha),C、D 池卻反之 (45 kg及282 kg/0.1 ha),因此,此次所得之養殖草蝦罹病與否與水質及底質的好壞尚無關連。
A及B池之底泥表層所含的好氣異營性總生菌數並無顯著性差異 (P>0.05),C及D池亦同。比較兩地四口採樣池之結果亦同 (P>0.05)。A及D池之底泥中未發現弧菌,而 B 及 C 池之底泥中的弧菌數量很少,分別為1.66% 及2.85%,弧菌在這四口養殖池中並非優勢菌種。A、B池之底泥表層的好氣異營性菌相的歧異度介於1.84-2.93之間,C、D池則介於1.32-2.78之間;前者歧異度較大,養殖的情況比後者為佳。C、D二池之草蝦出現了大量死亡的情形,雖然病蝦體表未出現感染白斑病毒所具備的特徵,但是體表有變紅的現象出現。分離體表出現變紅症的病蝦及體表正常的池蝦之肝胰臟內的菌相,結果發現病蝦肝胰臟中出現的菌株有一半以上是病原性弧菌,而體色正常者僅四分之一是病原性弧菌,這些弧菌的種類與近年來感染對蝦類的病原性弧菌相同。


The physico-chemical characteristics of water quality, upper-layer sediment, and bacterial aspects of four grass prawn Penaeus monodon ponds, which are located in the Taitung area of eastern Taiwan (A and B ponds) and the I-Lan area of north-east Taiwan (C and D ponds), were studied. The water temperature (℃), dissolved oxygen (DO), pH value, salinity and concentration of chemical oxygen demand (COD), unionic ammonia (NH3-N), nitrite (NO2-N), nitrate (NO3-N), hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and redox potential (ORP) were selected for analysis. Water temperature ranged from 27.9 to 31.9 ℃ and pH value from 7.9 to 8.7. Salinity was from 13.4 to 25.8? and DO was over 5 mg/l. The nitrogen wastes in the culture water were NH3-N (0.03 to 0.09 mg/l), NO2-N (23.4 to 131.8 mg/l) and NO3-N (0.6-0.7 mg/l). In general, the normal growth of cultured shrimp might not be influenced by culture water, in accordance with published reports of previous studies.
The physico-chemical properties of upper-layer sediment were determined by pH value, the concentration of soluble nitrogen substance (ammonia-N, nitrite-N, nitrate-N), orthophosphate-P and ORP value. The average pH value was 7.5, which is suitable for raising shrimp, and the concentrations of soluble ammonia-N, nitrite-N, nitrate-N, orthophosphate-P were at low safe levels. The ORP values in A and B ponds were -334mV and -320mV respectively, compared to -170mV and -180mV in C and D ponds. The ORP values were significantly different (P<0.05) between the two areas. The H2S level in upper-layer sediment was higher than in the water, but there was no significant difference among the four investigated ponds (P>0.05).The higher shrimp yield was obtained in A and B ponds (1,200 kg and 900 kg/0.1ha), although their upper-layer sediment was more seriously contaminated as indicated by the lower ORP value.
Average total viable bacterial counts of upper-layer sediment ranged from 7.2x105 to 3.2x106 cfu/g in A pond, and 2.8x105 to 22.8x106 cfu/g in B pond. The amount of 1.2x105 to 1.9x106 cfu/g and 1.2x105 to 6.4x106 cfu/g revealed in C pond and D pond, respectively. The bacterial counts in the sediment between two ponds of each area were neither significantly different (P>0.05) nor among the four ponds in the two areas. Some predominantly aerobic heterotrophic bacterial genera, including Acinetobacter, Alcaligenes, Curtobacterium, Kingella, and Pseudomonas, were isolated and identified from the upper-layer sediment in the four ponds. Very low rate of vibrio was found in A (0%) and B ponds (1.66%) or in C (2.85%) and D ponds (0%), as detected from 60 samples and from 70 samples, respectively. The diversity index (DI) ranged from 2.2 to 2.93 and 1.84 to 2.91 in A and B ponds, and from 1.32 to 2.78 and 1.98 to 2.68 in C and D ponds. A major finding was that the higher production could be obtained from high level ponds (A, B) compared with less affected ponds (C, D).
Red disease had broken out in the lower level production ponds (C: 45 kg and D: 282 kg/ha) causing mass mortality to the cultivated shrimp. Bacterial pathogens were isolated and identified from the hepatopancreatic tissue of reddish shrimp, including a large quantity of vibriosis pathogens (over 50%), of which Vibrio alginolyticus, V. damsela, V. harveyi, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus formed the dominant species. In the normal shrimp, the quantity of vibrio species was only 25%. Consequently, water and upper-layer sediment quality was not a sufficient proof to estimate the survival conditions of pond shrimp in association with the vibrio species. This species rarely existed in upper-layer sediment but it could be isolated from the moribund shrimp during the culture period. On the other hand, those pathogens may have originated either from the broodstock possibly acting as vectors or from some unqualified hatcheries.
Key words: Grass prawn Penaeus monodon, Rearing condition, Bacterial disease