
澳洲產淡水螯蝦對生態環境適應力之研究. 水產研究

  • 出版日期:88-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    xperiment on adaptation of Australia crayfish to selected environmental factors. J
  • 作者:林天生, 劉富光, 廖一久
  • 作者auther(英):Lin, T. S., F. G. Liu, and I C. Liao
  • 卷別:7
  • 期別:1&2
  • 頁碼:73-85

本試驗為瞭解螯蝦在台灣養殖的可行性及對環境生態是否會造成影響,特別針對水溫、溶氧量、稻作、常用藥物及隱蔽物等進行測試,結果顯示:Yabbie和Redclaw 之致死高溫分別為40.3及40.6℃,致死低溫分別為4.5及5.7℃,前者較耐低溫,而對高溫忍受較無明顯差異。兩種螯蝦的致死溶氧量分別為0.7及0.9 ppm,對低溶氧的忍受能力比一般的魚類強。兩種螯蝦在種植秧苗的池中若有其他食物 (如浮萍、飼料),並不會破壞稻作,在全無餌料情形下,則於放入Yabbie 三天後,可發現有剪斷秧苗的現象,約10天後整池秧苗被剪食殆盡。常用藥物對Yabbie的毒性以美舒添 (Masten) 最強,其次為 BKC、孔雀綠、高錳酸鉀、硫酸銅、甲基藍、茶粕、福馬林及粗鹽。除草劑以巴拉刈 (Paraquat) 較強,其次是年年春 (Nienchun)。養殖Yabbie,放置塑膠管作為隱蔽物可有效提昇活存率,種植布袋蓮亦有效,但不如塑膠管那樣明顯。密度提高,其體長、體重平均值都會相對降低。


Several experiments were conducted to assess the feasibility of culturing Australian crayfish species in Taiwan and to evaluate its impact on the environment. In the temperature trial, the result indicated that the low lethal temperature of Yabbie Cherax destructor was lower than Redclaw Cherax quadricarinatus (4.5℃ vs. 5.7℃), and the high lethal temperature is almost similar in both species (40.3℃ and. 40.6℃). The result of lethal oxygen trial showed that crayfish survived in lower ambient oxygen concentration than fish, and their lethal oxygen levels were 0.7 and 0.9 ppm for Yabbie and Redclaw, respectively. In the experiment on their impact on rice field, both crayfish did not destroy the rice seedlings unless there was no food (i. e. duckweed or artificial feed) available. Yabbie cut down the seedlings in the field 3 days after stocking at food shortage. The seedlings were wiped out ten days after stocking. The relative strengths of practical chemotherapeutic agents on crayfish were in the following order: trichlorphone, BKC, malachite green, KMnO4, CuSO4‧5H2O, methylene blue, teaseed cake, formalin and sea salt. In the trial of toxicities of selected herbicide to crayfish, the result showed that paraquat was more toxic than nienchun. In the growth trial for Yabbie, higer storking density (100 Yabbie/pond) resulted in slower growth rate. Furthermore, providing plastic pipes as shelter remarkably increased the survival rate of Yabbie. Planting water hyacinth Eichornia crassipes as shelter also improved the survival rate but the effect was not as good as the plastic pipes.
Key words: Crayfish, Adaptation, Rice field, Dissolved oxygen, Shelter