

  • 出版日期:92-12-31
  • 標題title(英):
    A Comparison of Copepods and Artemia Nauplii for Grouper Larviculture
  • 作者:蘇惠美‧王淑欣‧許家興‧陳紫媖‧蘇茂森
  • 作者auther(英):H.M. Su, S.S. Wang, C.H. Hsu, T.I. Chen
  • 卷別:11
  • 期別:1&2
  • 頁碼:39-46

臺灣在1985年建立石斑魚苗培育技術,到1995年商業規模生產之魚苗已超過千萬尾。然而由於神經壞死病毒與虹彩病毒感染的關係,魚苗之活存率低且生產不穩定。魚苗投餵序列,一般依序為牡蠣卵、輪蟲及橈足類,本文旨在探討以橈足類與豐年蝦培育石斑魚苗之優劣及其與疾病相關之問題。橈足類取自魚蝦養成魚塭,優勢種為短角異劍水蚤及模糊許水蚤,豐年蝦投餵前先以DC DHA selco 強化其營養。經過三批養殖試驗,顯示投餵橈足類之石斑魚苗的成長與活存,均優於豐年蝦者。脂肪酸組成分析結果顯示,橈足類含高量之二十碳五烯酸 (EPA) 及二十二碳六烯酸(DHA),豐年蝦則含高量之十八碳二烯酸 (18:2n6)。然而以橈足類為餌料者,會爆發指環蟲及神經壞死病毒之感染,死亡率達40%。因此為穩定石斑魚苗生產量,以及免除中間育成階段遭受病害感染之風險,仍以加強營養之豐年蝦作為餌料較恰當。


The technique of larval grouper rearing has been established in Taiwan since 1985, and annual commercial seed production exceeded ten million fry in 1995. However, the larval survival rate was less than 1%, and production fluctuated due to the outbreaks of viral nervous necrosis (VNN) disease and iridovirus-like infections. In general, fertilized oysters eggs, rotifers, and copepods were sequentially applied to feed the larvae. This study was conducted to determine the benefits and disease problems associated with copepods as feed organisms. The copepods and enriched Artemia nauplii were respectively fed with the same feeding procedure. Copepods were collected from fish grow-out ponds, and were mainly Apocyclops and Pseudodiaptomus. Artemia nauplii were enriched with commercial emulsions (DC DHA Selco). Copepods contained high levels of n-3 unsaturated fatty acids (26.3 mg/g dry wt.), EPA (10.1 mg/g dry wt.), and DHA (14.4 mg/g dry wt.). In contrast, enriched Artemia contained more n-6 unsaturated fatty acids (16.1 mg/g dry wt.) than EPA (3.6 mg/g dry wt.) or DHA (2.1 mg/g dry wt.). Feeding grouper fry with copepods resulted in higher survival and faster growth than feeding with enriched Artemia. However, when fry were fed copepods, the fingerlings had more disease problems with infections of Pseudorhabdosynochus and VNN, and about 40% of fingerlings died due to those infections. Therefore, using enriched Artemia as live food is a better strategy for stabilizing fry production and lowering the risk of disease outbreaks during juvenile stages.