

  • 出版日期:93-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Influence of Salinity on Gonadal Development of Black Porgy, Acanthopagrus schlegeli, during Final Maturation
  • 作者:朱永桐‧葉信利‧許晉榮‧丁雲源
  • 作者auther(英):Y.T. Chu, S.L. Yeh, J.R. Hseu and Y.Y. Tin
  • 卷別:12
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:33-38

黑鯛是台灣重要的海水養殖魚種。屬廣鹽性魚類。本研究旨在究明鹽度對黑鯛生殖腺最後成熟階段之影響,實驗期間係配合黑鯛的自然生殖期,也就是每年的一月到三月。於生殖季前將雌、雄黑鯛分別馴化於 5、15、25、35、45 ppt 五組不同鹽度的水泥池中蓄養,觀察其生殖腺之變化。結果顯示,雌魚的卵徑大小不因馴化鹽度的不同而有所差別,但在 35 ppt 及 45 ppt下,其排卵率較高、排卵時間較長。至於雄魚方面,馴化鹽度雖未影響精子容積比的多寡,但浸泡在不同鹽度下之精子的活力則明顯受到影響。浸泡鹽度 5、15及45 ppt 組者,其精子活力與活動時間均比 35 ppt 者為差。因此,建議達最後成熟階段的黑鯛,應在 35 ppt 附近之鹽度環境下馴化,方可得到較高的受精率。


Black porgy, Acanthopagrus schlegeli, is one of the most important aquaculture species in Taiwan. It is a euryhaline species, but its reproduction only occurs in marine environments. That is, lower salinities do not hamper the survival of black porgy, but seriously interfere with its reproduction. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of salinity conditions on the final maturation of gonads in black porgy. The experiment was carried out in the natural spawning season of black porgy, i.e., from January to March. The fish, caught from our field ponds, were acclimated to 5 salinities of 5, 15, 25, 35, and 45 ppt, for at least 2 mo. The results showed that acclimation salinity did not influence the size of oocyte diameter in female porgy. However, the female black porgy which was placed in 35 and 45 ppt had higher ovulation rates and longer ovulation times than did ones in lower salinities. The acclimation salinity did not result in different spermatocrit values of male black porgy, but it did influence sperm motility. Sperm of fish incubated in 35 ppt had significantly higher motility activity and longer motility time than did ones in < 15 and 45 ppt. Based on these results, the study suggested that in order to promote fertilization rates, black porgy during final maturation should be reared in a salinity of around 35 ppt.