

  • 出版日期:103-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Age and Growth of Uroteuthis (Photololigo) chinensis, U. (P.) duvauceli and U. (P.) edulis from the Waters Around Taiwan
  • 作者:張可揚‧廖正信‧黃筱婷‧吳繼倫‧王凱毅
  • 作者auther(英):Ke-Yang Chang, Cheng-Hsin Liao, Hsiao-Ting Huang, Chi-Lun Wu and Kae-Yih Wang
  • 卷別:22
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:1-13

過去臺灣鎖管漁業產量高峰可達30,000 mt、產值23億新臺幣,但近幾年來,其產量、產值已不足以往的三分之一,因此本研究針對中國槍鎖管 (Uroteuthis (Photololigo) chinensis)、杜氏鎖管 (U. (P.) duvauceli) 及劍尖槍鎖管 (U. (P.) edulis) 等三種臺灣周邊海域常見鎖管種進行生殖與成長生物學研究,希望藉由描述這些生物特性,對該等鎖管之資源評估有所幫助。結果顯示三種鎖管雌、雄個體間之體長體重關係式皆有差異。三種鎖管皆呈現明顯的雌雄二型性 (sexual dimorphism)。在年齡成長方面,三種鎖管之成長方程式以指數型及對數型為主,並存在有種間與性別差異,其中中國槍鎖管成長最快,劍尖槍鎖管次之,杜氏鎖管最慢。就成熟體型而言,中國槍鎖管與劍尖槍鎖管成熟個體較大,成熟之雄性個體外套長可達400 mm以上,而杜氏鎖管之成熟個體最小,記錄到最大個體為133 mm的雌性個體。


In the past, the highest landings of the Loligo fishery in Taiwan reached 30,000 tons and the value of production reached 2.3 billion NT dollars in one year. However, the production has decreased dramatically in recent years, averaging less than one-third the catch of earlier years. This study focused on the age and growth of Uroteuthis (Photololigo) chinensis, U. (P.) duvauceli and U. (P.) edulis, which are the three major Loligo species in the waters around Taiwan. We hope the biological characteristics observed in this study will be helpful for the stock assessment of these resources. The results showed that the length-weight relationships differed between sexes for each species, and that such sexual dimorphism was significant for each species. The growth of the three species was fitted with power models and exponential models and the differences in slope and intercept among species were significant. The fastest growth was observed in U. (P.) chinensis, followed by U. (P.) edulis and U. (P.) duvauceli. The mantle length of mature individuals of U. (P.) chinensis and U. (P.) edulis were similar and were larger than 400 mm for males. The mantle lengths of U. (P.) duvauceli were smaller and the largest observed mantle length was 133 mm for females.