

  • 日期:104-03-05
  • 計畫編號:103農科-11.3.1-水-A1(8)
  • 年度:2014
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:楊明樺
  • 研究人員:鄭金華、黃義傑

本研究擬開發龍蝦陸上型養殖系統,蓄養龍蝦屬中體型較大,成長較快的錦繡龍蝦與對水質條件要求較低的波紋龍蝦,探討飼養密度、餌料、龍蝦種類以及性別對成長與產量的影響。試驗桶槽為0.72m2FRP桶,內以珊瑚砂採雙層底鋪設形成內循環,以流水式每日換水約8.2次。結果波紋龍蝦在密度15、30、45/m2的成長與活存無顯著差異,產量以45/m2組的9.2±0.1kg/m2顯著最高(P<0.05);波紋龍蝦投餵生餌的產量(kg/m2)與FCR(以乾重表示)顯著較飼料組佳,分別為6.5±0.4 vs.4.2±1.1與3.6±0.4 vs.7.0±1.8(P<0.05);錦繡龍蝦的比成長率(%/day)顯著較波紋龍蝦高(P<0.05),分別為0.37±0.02與0.31±0.01;波紋龍蝦不論是否在繁殖季節,其雄蝦在不同密度下的成長都顯著較雌蝦高(P<0.05)。根據以上結果,波紋龍蝦可以在桶槽以高密度飼養並達到10kg/m2以上產量,飼養雄蝦較具經濟效益,適合龍蝦的人工飼料則有待開發。錦繡龍蝦的成長較波紋龍蝦快,但在台灣的野生資源不多,進行人工繁殖並達到量產是促使龍蝦養殖形成產業的根本之道。


This study is aimed to develop spiny lobster land based farming systems and stock larger in size, growing faster Panulirus ornatus and water quality conditions require lower Panulirus homarus to probe into stocking density, food, lobster species and sexuality effects on the growth and yield. The main culturing containers were 0.72m2 FRP tanks, laying of double bottom with coral sand to form the inner loop and changing water with flow-through 8.2 times daily. There were no significant differences in Panulirus homarus 's growth and survival among the density 15,30,45 / m2, yield (kg / m2) is significant higher (P <0.05) in group 45 / m2 with 9.2 ± 0.1. Feeding fresh feed had better yield (kg / m2) and FCR (in dry weight) than the commercial diet significantly (P <0.05) , 6.5 ± 0.4 vs.4.2 ± 1.1 and 3.6 ± 0.4 vs.7.0 ± 1.8 respectively. The specific growth rate (% / day) of Panulirus ornatus is significantly higher than Panulirus homarus (P <0.05), 0.37 ± 0.02 and 0.31 ± 0.01 respectively. Whether or not in the breeding season, the grow of Panulirus homarus males at different densities is significantly higher than that of females (P <0.05). According to the above results, Panulirus homarus can be reared in the tank intensively to reach the yield of 10kg / m2 or more. It obtained more economic benefits to rear males than females. On the other hand, suitable artificial lobster feed is still need to research. Although Panulirus ornatus's growth is better than Panulirus homarus, but with fewer resources in Taiwan. Artificial propagation and reach volume production is fundamental way to promote the formation of lobster farming industry.