

  • 日期:107-02-20
  • 計畫編號:107農科-9.2.2-水-A1(4)
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:陳郁凱
  • 研究人員:鄭學淵、潘佳怡、王友慈

本(107)年度完成冬、春、夏季漁場環境調查3航次 (107/01/22~107/02/02;107/04/17~107/05/18;107/08/03~107/08/26),完成 周邊海域166個站次之CTD投放、分層採水、營養鹽類、葉綠素甲、浮游動物及仔稚 魚等樣本採集作業,秋季調查航次尚待天候許可後執行;未來測站4位置將由 122°30'調整至122°29'「暫訂執法線」西側之我國海域,其餘測站不變動。本年度 冬季大陸沿岸冷水的位置與往年相較屬偏北之分布,冬季表層水溫介於 16.17~25.97℃,鹽度介於32.19~34.70psu,硝酸鹽介於0.4~5.9μM,磷酸鹽介於 0.017~0.272μM,矽酸鹽介於0.3~3.8μM,葉綠素濃度介於0.022~1.657 mg/m3,浮 游動物豐度介於16.35~299.7 inds./m3;春季採樣時間較晚,已經接近夏季型態,海 峽由黑潮支流及南海表層水佔據,表水溫介於20.71~29.56℃,鹽度介於 33.72~34.78psu,硝酸鹽介於0.1~2.5μM,磷酸鹽介於0~0.502μM,矽酸鹽介於 0.6~12.3μM,葉綠素濃度介於0.01~1.14 mg/m 3,浮游動物豐度介於6.74~201.3 inds./m3。夏季整個台灣周邊海域水溫均高,鹽度則是因為夏季降雨量高河川淡水輸 入較多,在較近岸測站有低鹽水出現。表水溫介於25.06~30.78℃,鹽度介於 31.35~34.35psu。本年度利用本計畫2007-2013年長期觀測資料,探討臺灣海峽冬季 仔稚魚群聚分布特徵與水團及鋒面間之關係,對於臺灣海峽冬季仔稚魚群聚之長期 動態及與環境變動之關係提供了深入的探討。本年度編撰印製2016年及2017年《臺 灣周邊海域漁場環境監測航次報告》共2冊,內容涵蓋計畫執行之海上採樣作業流程 、各調查項目實驗室檢測流程,並刊出周邊海域漁場環境調查成果供各界參考,並 將歷年周邊海域調查資料上傳環保署環境資源資料交換平台(CDX)、政府資料交換平 台(OpenData)、內政部地理圖資雲(TGOS)、農委會公務統計系統及水試所全球資訊 網網頁,達成促進資料之流通加值應用之目的。


Three cruises were conducted in February, April and August during 2018 to collect temperature, salinity, nutrients, chlorophyll-a, zooplankton and fish larvae in the surrounding waters off Taiwan. A total of 166 stations were investigated. The autumn cruise will be conducted as long as the weather permitted. In the future, station 4 will be adjusted westward from 122°30' N to 122°29' N. In winter, the distribution of cold China Coastal Current retreated to the north of the Taiwan Strait. Sea surface temperature (SST), salinity, nitrate, phosphate, silicate, and chlorophyll-a and zooplankton abundance in winter were 16.17~25.97 ℃, 32.19~34.70 psu, 0.4~5.9 μM, 0.017~0.272 μM, 0.3~3.8 μM, 0.022~1.657 mg/m3 and 16.35~299.7 ind./m3 , respectively. In spring, the flow pattern in the surrounding waters of Taiwan was mainly influenced by Kuroshio Current and Southern China Sea Surface Water. SST, salinity, nitrate, phosphate, silicate, and chlorophyll-a and zooplankton abundance in spring were 20.71~29.56 ℃, 33.72~34.78psu, 0.1~2.5μM, 0~0.502μM, 0.6~12.3μM, 0.01~1.14mg/m3 and 6.74~201.3 ind./m3 , respectively. In summer, SST and SSS were 25.06~30.78 ℃ and 31.35~34.35psu, respectively. This study demonstrated the interannual variations of larval fish assemblages associated with ocean fronts in the Taiwan Strait (TS), based on seven consecutive cruises in winter from 2007 to 2013, which provides crucial information about the status of the larval fish community and presents a better understanding of the long-term dynamics and the influence of environmental fluctuations in the TS during winter. Besides, we published the “Cruise Report of TaiCOFI Surveys” in 2016 and 2017 to provide our investigation results to the public. Standard procedures of field program and sample analysis are described in detail and the distribution of water temperature, salinity, nutrients, chlorophyll- a , zooplankton and primary production are illustrated in figures for each cruise. The historical investigation data were uploaded to the domestic data-sharing panel, such as CDX, OpenData, TGOS, COA statistics system and TFRI website. In this way, the data of this project can be used for scholarly research available to other investigators.