
藉由分子標誌輔助開發龍膽石斑育種研究 (II)

  • 日期:107-02-20
  • 計畫編號:107農科-9.5.1-水-A1(7)
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:林峰右
  • 研究人員:葉信利、龔紘毅、胡益順、吳育甄

此計畫首先由追蹤表現型與基因型之間關係切入,利用數量遺傳學探討量化性狀及 影響因素以及追蹤骨骼肌生成相關基因之DNA 分子標 誌分析,試驗魚隻由原來畜養 約5年齡左右龍膽石斑魚隻取代業者種魚,試驗結果顯示11組微衛星引子皆可以在此 龍膽石斑族群中擴增出具有螢光標記的專一性產物 ,並有4個分子標誌在體重和基 因型相關性達到顯著水準,顯示龍膽石斑多型性微衛 星可做為分子標誌以進行分子 標誌輔助育種 (MAS),未來可應用選育具有優良生長 性狀的魚隻。


DNA molecular markers are differences in the presence of DNA molecular fragments between organisms via standard operating procedures, The program first tracks the relationship between phenotypes and genotypes The results showed that 11 groups of microsatellite primers could amplify specific products with fluorescent markers in this gentian group, and 4 molecular markers reached significant levels in body weight and genotype correlation, The plaque multi-type microsatellite can be used as a molecular marker for molecular marker-assisted breeding (MAS), and in the future, fish with excellent growth traits can be selected.