

  • 日期:107-02-20
  • 計畫編號:107農科-9.5.2-水-A1(4)
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:郭錦朱

四絲馬鮁為臺灣高經濟養殖魚種之一,易因飼養管理不當或養殖環境不良等因素而 爆發細菌性疾病,為探討病因及提高魚的抗病力,本研究擬篩檢腸道菌相及探討提 高魚體抗病力的方法,結果發現弧菌及發光桿菌為四絲馬鮁腸道之優勢菌。此外 ,四絲馬鮁分別以含3%大蒜及薑黃的飼料投餵4週,結果發現腸道的總菌數明顯降低 (p<0.05),也提高血清溶菌酶及超氧化物歧化酶活性,並有效拮抗鏈球菌感染症 ,抗病力分別增強64% (p<0.01) 及55% (p<0.05)。


Eleutheronema tetradactylum is one of high economic farmed fish in Taiwan and is susceptible to bacterial diseases due to improper management or poor culture environment. In order to investigate cause of diseases and improve the disease resistance of fish, this study screens the gut microbiota and the ways to improve the immunity of fish. The results showed that members of Vibrio and Photobacteria dominated the microbial community in all sampling fish. Furthermore, E. tetradactylum were fed with diets containing 3% garlic and turmeric, respectively, for 4 weeks. The results showed that the total number of bacteria in the intestine decreased significantly (p<0.05), and also increased the activity of serum lysozyme and superoxide dismutase, and effectively antagonized streptococcal infection with the disease resistance increased by 64% (p<0.01) and 55%, respectively.