

  • 日期:107-02-21
  • 計畫編號:107農科-18.1.5-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:農業資源循環暨農能共構之產業創新
  • 主持人:葉念慈
  • 研究人員:蔡慧君、陳柏璇、陳文君、歐秀美、許洛瑋

臺灣每年平均產生19萬公噸的廢棄牡蠣殼,其中未妥處量達2.6萬公噸,過去廢棄牡 蠣殼約7成應用在飼料、堆肥及栽培介質上,其附加價值不高。且廢殼不僅佔空間、 經濟價值低且有環境污染的疑慮,本計畫建立牡蠣殼改質技術(0.65 M乳酸,室溫 反應30 min,可獲得76 %乳酸鈣量,且牡蠣殼溶解率可達88 %以上),並產製成有 機酸鈣粉末,其製程簡單、省時且成本低,該產品未來除可做為營養膳食補充品外 ,亦可結合各式加工產品作為補鈣添加物,促使牡蠣殼的利用朝多元化及高值化目 標發展。


Taiwan produces an average of 190,000 metric tons of discarded oyster shells per year, of which 26,000 metric tons are unappropriated. In the past, about 70% of discarded oyster shells were used in feed, compost and cultivation media, and their added value was not high.The abandoned oyster shell not only occupies space, low economic value and environmental pollution, this project establishes oyster shell modification technology (0.65 M lactic acid, room temperature reaction for 30 min, 76% calcium lactate can be obtained, and oyster shell dissolution rate up to 88% or more), It is also made into organic acid calcium powder, which is simple in process, time-saving and low in cost. In addition to being used as a nutritional supplement in the future, it can also be combined with various processed products as calcium supplements to promote the utilization of oyster shells. Development towards diversification and high value.