

  • 日期:105-06-03
  • 計畫編號:105農科-1.2.3-水-A1
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:農業科技產業化領域
  • 主持人:張錦宜
  • 研究人員:曾福生、楊順德、謝恆毅、蔡惠萍、杜金蓮、陳鏗元、張格銓

本計畫主要目標為(一)建立台灣養殖石斑魚(云紋石斑及虎斑)與九孔之精液冷凍保 存技術及其精子銀行。 (二)建立九孔種原維持及管理機制,輔導產業應用,提供九 孔養殖產業育種改良的重要資材及關鍵技術。 (三)將其利用於不同品種石斑魚之雜 交育種技術之應用,進而提升我國石斑魚產業國際競爭力。(四)配合水產生物種原 庫之營運,延續運用相關研究,針對我國重要經濟性魚貝介類及特殊種類水產動物 進行其精液冷凍保存研究,建立我國重要魚貝介類之配子保存系統。 年度預期效益為(一)相較於新鮮精液,優質冷凍精液可節省生產成本及育種時間 ,保存期1年以上,每年供應期可延長6個月以上,可提高精液品質及受精後之孵化 率與育苗率。 (二)技轉快速成長品系尼羅吳郭魚技術,至少1件,可縮短養成期約 2個月,取肉率較坊間雜交品系高約5%,可增加魚片產品的收益5%。 (三)推廣快速 成長品系吳郭魚50萬尾。 (四)分析多雌遺傳選種技術之實際應用情形,計算出可提 高的雄性比率。 (五)量產體長0.8-1.5cm淺蜊沉沙苗40萬粒以上。 (六)接洽至少兩 家養殖業者進行淺蜊放養經濟效益評估。


The objectives of this project : 1.To establish high quality grouper and small abalone semen cryopreservation techniques and industrial application. 2.To establish the MAS(marker assistant selection) for small abalone (Haliotis diversicolor), to select and develop the best small abalone for commercial aquaculture industry, to develop technique of gamete (semen) cryopreservative procedure and manipulation. 3.Developing techniques of semen cryopreservation and controlling factor during spawning to develop grouper hybridization (Epinephelus moara × Epinephelus fuscoguttatus ). 4.To provide the aquaculture industry with new techniques that were developed by the Germplasm Bank of Freshwater Fish, Fisheries Research Institute. These techniques will be promoted to the industry with following goals to enhance the competitive strength. Expected benefits: 1. To establish grouper and abalone semen cryopreservation techniques for sperm banks. The good quality cryopreserved semen can save at least 50% cost and  time than fresh semen and can preserved at least 1 year which can extend the mating season of aquaculture for more than 6 months. 2.Through licensing agreements, the FRI will provide the aquaculture industry with a high-growth tilapia to commercialization. This will be beneficial for farmers to save 2-mouth farming period and to increase 5% of fillet from harvests. 3.To supply 500,000 fries of nile tilapia with the feature of high growth rate. 4.To analyze the sex-determining locus of genetically female , which will improve the selective breeding performance on the basis of male ratio. 5. Produce 400 thousands of lettered clam seeds with shell length between 0.8-1.5 cm. 6.Contact with at least two owners of aquaculture business to evaluate benefits of raising lettered clams.