

  • 日期:105-06-03
  • 計畫編號:105農科-7.1.1-水-A3
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:農業電子化領域
  • 主持人:林志遠
  • 研究人員:白志年、陳永欣

    利用無線資通訊科技,整合太陽能發電設施、數位電表、數位水表及水質監測 等儀器或模組,針對目前傳統養殖所遭遇之耗電、耗水及寒害等問題,建構一智慧 監控系統,進行太陽能蓄電與養殖周邊用電、地下水用水量及多參數水質等之監測 與自動回饋控制,並利用太陽能加熱裝置,可達到養殖池節電、省水、越冬禦寒之 目的,以符合政府節能減碳之政策目標,以及協助減緩中南部地層下陷之危機,並 減少越冬寒害損失。


   The purpose of this study is to build an integrated, intelligent resource-saving, and monitoring system to solve problems of over consumptions of electronic-power and groundwater, as well as the fish overwintering problem on traditional aquaculture. The system includes a wireless sensor network (WSN), a set of photovoltaics (PV), a digital electronic power (EP) meter, a digital water meter, and a multiparameter water-quality meter with monitoring and feed-back controls to achieve the goals of reduction of CO2 emission and land subsidence. The damage of aquaculture by the cold weather can also be reduced with a heater attached PV.