

  • 日期:105-06-03
  • 計畫編號:105農科-11.3.3-水-A1(2)
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:白志年
  • 研究人員:楊順德、陳冠如、陳榮華、董聰彥、蕭玉晨、黃瀛生

持續保存種原生物並維護與改善種原庫設施,確保水產生物種原保存及生產優質種 苗,以維持種原庫正常營運,並發揮種原庫的功能。本年度淡水水產生物種原之保 種種類計22種,分別為吳郭魚類7種、經濟養殖魚類7種及本土河川魚類8種,另保存 種類計37種。


1. To maintain and improve the function of facilities onthe NationalGermplasm Bank of Aquatic Organism, in the meanwhile, ensuring the securityof the aquatic conservation, so that we could produce the high quality fry andoperated normally on this germplasm bank.

2. There were 22 species of the aquatics had beenconserved, while 37 species of the aquatics had been cultivated.