

  • 日期:105-06-03
  • 計畫編號:105農科-11.4.1-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:蔡慧君
  • 研究人員:蔡儀冠、杜明杰

魚鱗粉含有膠原胜肽 (collagen peptid) 和氫氧基磷灰石(hydroxyapatite)之機 能成分,可提供骨質保健所需之有機質和礦物質,因此本計畫以體外細胞模式探討 吳郭魚魚鱗粉在脂多醣 (Lipopolysaccharide) 誘發 MG-63人類造骨細胞產生發炎 反應,對細胞增生 (Proliferation)、分化 (Differentiation) 及細胞激素表現量 及骨細胞代謝調控因子的影響,結果顯示魚鱗粉可回復 LPS所損傷的細胞數,且在 3.86 ug/cm2 達最高值為 175.38%,同時可抑制 IL-6、IL-1β、TNF-α 和 NO 等 細胞促發炎激素之分泌,並促進抗發炎激素 IL-10 的表現量,顯示魚鱗粉可抑制 LPS 所誘發的發炎反應。另外魚鱗粉可劑量性地回復 LPS 所降低第 I 型膠原蛋白 表現量;促進骨母細胞或其成骨細胞鹼性磷酸酶 (Alkaline phosphatase, ALP) 的 分泌;促進成骨細胞提升 2.63 倍之礦化作用及細胞分化調控因子-骨原殼蛋白 (Osteoprotegerin; OPG) 的表現量,綜合結果顯示魚鱗粉於 LPS 所誘發的發炎反 應可促進造骨細胞活性並抑制蝕骨細胞活性,具有骨骼健康之促進作用,可應用作 為膳食補充品的新穎性機能素材。


Fish scale powder (FSP) with functional compounds, collagenpeptide and hydroxyapatide, which are the mainly organic composition and mineral in human bone tissue, thus the fish scale powder could be the functional resource for bone health. With this idea in mind, we examined whether FSP could be the beneficial material for bone health using lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-induced cell inflammatory in human osteoblastlike MG-63 cells as a test model. In our study demonstrated that FSP derived from Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)fish scale enhanced the LPS-reduced cell viability, while the 3.86 ug/cm2 FSP showed highest cell proliferation rate being 175.38%. The cytokine ELISA kit analysis showed that FSP inhibited the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokine,including IL-6、IL-1β、TNF-α and NO, as well as, increased expression of antiinflammatorycytokine (IL-10), that represented FSP could inhibit the LPSinduced inflammation. In addition, FSP dose-dependently promoted expression of procollagen type I; increased activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in osteoblast and osteocyte; promoted 2.63 times of mineralization and increased expression of osteoprotegerin under LPSinduced inflammation. Based on these findings, FSP showed promotion of bone health on increasing the activity of osteoblast and decreasing the activity of osteoclast. FSP is worth developing into a novel functional food material to serve as dietary supplement.