

  • 日期:105-06-05
  • 計畫編號:105農科-11.5.1-水-A1(3)
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:杜金蓮
  • 研究人員:王姿文、張錦宜

本計畫共追蹤3個以現有的純系九孔進行系統雜交品系之成長狀況,於4月份放養至 養殖池後,於4~9月間每月採樣1次,進行成長狀況之分析,其中品系1的變異數較大 ,顯示其群體的大小差異較大;品系2的部分於6月、7月及八月成長狀況優於品系 1;而品系3則於每個採樣點之殼長均顯著高於其他2組。 另為了解龍鬚菜短缺,改 投餵不同處理海帶對九孔存活率之影響,本計畫隨機挑選雜交稚貝進行試驗,自6月 下旬起,分別以昆布、殺青海帶及未殺青海帶餵食九孔,每2週檢視存活率,為期 3個月,其中投餵昆布及殺青海帶組之存活率分別為76.82 ± 8.53(%)及76.67 ± 10.41(%),然未殺青海帶組之存活率顯著低於其他兩組為48.17 ± 15.65(%)。


Haliotis diversicolor is an economically important shellfish species in Taiwan. However, massive mortality of the Haliotis diversicolor has occurred at post-larval and grown out stages that resulted in production of Haliotis diversicolor has dramatically reduced in recent years. Genetic improvement plays an important role in sustainable development for Haliotis diversicolor aquaculture industry. This aim of project will focus on advantage in genetic, crossbreeding and constructed molecular markers, to establish superior economical traits of brood stocks. Our results indicate thatcross-breeding can increase the genetic diversity and improve the growth and survival rates of small abalone. Feeding with different treatment of kelps will affect abalone's servival rate and aquaculture water.