

  • 日期:110-07-30
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.2.2-水-A2
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:陳郁凱
  • 研究人員:翁進興、余淑楓、何珈欣、賴繼昌、黃建智、黃星翰、吳 伊淑、張麗美、陳秋月、陳羿惠

本研究蒐集分析104年1月至108年12月間臺南市、高雄市及屏東縣共3縣市12個漁港 之港口查報員紀錄之刺網漁船漁獲資料,探討各縣市刺網漁業概況、漁獲物種組成 、漁期變化、更替指數及遷移指數,藉以了解臺灣西南海域刺網漁業資源結構。結 果顯示,108年西南海域常態作業刺網漁船約435艘,臺南市刺網漁獲量主要由CT2及 CTR漁船筏所貢獻,高雄市則是CTS漁獲量最高,屏東縣均為CTR漁筏所貢獻。三縣市 年平均作業天數分別為88、96、83天。西南海域漁獲量在夏季6-8月期間為淡季 ,10月至翌年1-2月秋、冬期間為漁獲旺季。臺南市前5優勢種僅佔總漁獲量 37.1%,魚種組成較均勻,多樣性指數(H')最高;高雄市前5優勢種佔57.4%,多樣性 指數略低;屏東縣前5優勢種達70%,多樣性指數最低。整體而言,臺南市及屏東縣 刺網魚種組成年間變化大,高雄市年間變化較不明顯。臺南市及屏東縣的主要漁獲 魚種相當富有季節性,高雄市則相對穩定,許多主要漁獲物種均為全年皆可漁獲。 更替指數顯示,西南海域冬季魚種組成最穩定,秋季次之,春夏期間穩定度小,魚 種組成變化大。遷移指數顯示,冬季時魚種組成最穩定,遷出與遷入呈現平衡狀態 ;臺南市春季時魚類遷出最明顯,高雄市及屏東縣則是夏季魚類遷出最明顯;秋季 時則各縣市魚群都是遷入的狀態。


In this study, we collected and analyzed the landing data of the gillnet fisheries collected by port enumerators in 12 fishing harbors of the Tainan city, Kaohsiung city and Pingtung county during the period of January 2015 to December 2019. We tried to investigate the fishery status, composition of the landings, fishing seasons, alteration index and migration index of the gillnet fisheries to understand the structure of fishery resources in the offshore waters in the southwestern waters of Taiwan. The result indicated that there were 435 active fishing boats among the 3 cities in 2019. In Tainan (TN), the landings were mainly came from CT2 and CTR fishing boats. In Kaohsiung (KH), it mainly came from CTS boats. In Pingtung (PT), all the landing came from CTR boats. The average fishing days were 88, 96 and 83 day per year for TN, KH and PT, respectively. The summer months (from June to August) were the low season for the gillnet fisheries, while the peak season were between October to next February during the winter. The top 5 dominant taxa comprised 37.1%, 57.4% and 70% of the total catch in TN, KH, and PT, respectively. On the other hand, the diversity index was highest TN and lowest in PT. In general, the variation in the composition of fishes was significant in TN and PT, and was relatively stable in KH. The seasonality of the dominant fishes was evident in TN and PT. By contrast, the seasonality was not obvious. The alteration index indicated that the composition of fishes was most stable during winter, followed by the autumn, and was most unstable during spring and summer in the southwestern waters of Taiwan. Similarly, the migration index revealed that the composition was most stable during winter. The migration of fishes off TN was most evident during spring and was most evident during summer for KH and PT. During autumn, after the low season of summer, the fish stocks moved in and migrated toward each county.