

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.2.3-水-A4
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:嚴國維
  • 研究人員:潘佳怡、蘇博堃、曾秀茹、王友慈、鄭學淵、黃鼎傑

在環境變遷及人為活動等多重影響下,臺灣漁業經營環境愈顯嚴峻。海洋環境的變 遷不僅造成魚群洄游路徑改變,影響了魚群分布之時空,致使漁場可能改變甚至消 失,仔稚魚是漁業資源生物加入漁場前的一個重要生活史階段,經由分析該等資訊 ,可有助於我們更了解臺灣周邊海域漁場之變動特性。爰此,本計畫除持續透過本 所試驗船及其裝備,前往臺灣周邊漁場監測漁場環境資訊,收集及解析環境資訊 ,並針對歷年臺灣周邊海域仔稚魚監測資訊,進行仔稚魚地理、季節、多樣性及不 同棲息性豐度變化。研究結果顯示仔稚魚在臺灣周邊六種地形的分布特性存在種間 差異,大鱗蜥魚科、纖鑽魚科、鯔魚等魚種之仔稚魚主要出現在冬季、各類圓鰺的 仔稚魚在春季出現的機率顯著高於其他季節,花鰹屬、長身圓鰺及日本竹筴魚出現 在秋天之機率趨近於零。透過集群分析也可發現,地形影響仔稚魚組成分群的重要 因素,黑潮等洋流可能導致部分測站的仔稚魚組成改變,本研究也顯示,近年來不 同水層魚種的仔魚的主成分有出現交替之現象,但影響原因仍有待進一步研究確認 。


Under the multiple influences of environmental changes and human activities, the fisheries operating environment in Taiwan has become increasingly challenging. Changes in the marine environment not only alter the migration path of fish schools, but also affect the time and space of fish school distribution. Moreover, the fishing ground might also be affected or even disappear. Larvae of fish is an important life stage before the fish joins the fishing ground. Analysis of larvae information can help us improve the understanding of the changing nature of fishing grounds. In this regard, this project will continue to count on our fisheries researchers and use relevant equipment to monitor fishing grounds around Taiwan, collect and analyze environmental information, and monitor larval in Taiwan’s surrounding waters over the years, and carry out larval of fish geography, seasons, diversity and abundance of different habitats. The results of the study show that there are different distribution patterns of larvae in the six landforms around Taiwan. The larvae of fish species such as Notosudidae Spp., Sigmops Gracilis, and Mugilidae Spp. mainly appear in winter. The probability of Decapterus Spp. appearing in spring is significantly higher than in other seasons, and the probability of it appearing in autumn of Auxis Spp., Decapterus Macrosoma and Trachurus Japonicus approaches zero. Through Clustering analysis, it can also be found that topography affects important factors in the composition of larvae of fish, and currents such as Kuroshio may cause changes in the composition of larvae and juveniles at some stations. This study also shows that the larvae abundance of fish species in different water layers has regime shift in recent years, but the reasons for the impact still need to be further studied and confirmed.