

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.2.4-水-A1
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:葉信明
  • 研究人員:張可揚、莊世昌、陳人裕、蕭聖代

臺灣周遭海域是發生船難事件的熱點,船舶發生事故所載的重油一旦洩漏,往往對 周遭海域生態及漁民生活造成影響,但由於岸際採捕漁業資料欠缺,難有明確的證 據證明漁業損失,亦無法在後續的求償中取得合理的賠償,因此如何建立採捕漁業 資源資料,並據以評估對漁業造成的損害,應為未來處理油污染事件重要工作之一 。本研究就新北市三芝區海岸生態進行基礎調查,以了解該海域海岸之生態現況。 總計完成27個調查站次,共記錄海葵2種、螺類20種、雙殼貝類2種、其他軟體動物 3種;蝦類1種、寄居蟹類4種、蟹類14種、其他甲殼類動物2種以及海蔘1種、海星 1種等。其中數量最多的軟體動物為黑瘤蟹守螺、僧帽牡蠣等,甲殼類動物則以綠色 細螯寄居蟹、奇異海蟑螂為多


The sea around Taiwan is a hot spot for shipwreck. Once the heavy oil contained in a ship has leaked due to accident, it often affects the ecology of surrounding sea and fishermen's livelihoods. However, due to the lack of information on fisheries in inter-coastal fishing, there is no clear evidence of loss of fishery and no reasonable follow-up compensation. Therefore, how to establish the data of the fishing and fishing resources and assess the damage of the fishing industry should be one of the important tasks in tackling the oil pollution accidents in the future. This study conducted a basic survey on the coastal ecology of Sanzhi District, New Taipei City to understand the current ecological status of the coast of the sea area. A total of 27 survey stations were completed, recording 2 species of sea anemones, 20 species of snails, 2 species of bivalves, 3 species of other molluscs; 1 species of shrimp, 4 species of hermit crabs, 14 species of crabs, 2 species of other crustaceans, 1 species of sea ginseng, and 1 species of starfish, etc. Among them, the most numerous mollusks are melanoma crab snails and mitral oysters, while crustaceans are mostly green hermit crabs and exotic sea cockroaches.