

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.3.3-水-A1(12)
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:黃世鈴
  • 研究人員:楊豐隆

        2020(109)年3月~11月間,臺灣地區經濟魚蝦貝類養殖場進行現場調查與 病害檢查,調查區域包括臺中市(和平鄉)、南投縣(埔里鎮)、雲林縣(麥寮鄉 、口湖鄉)、嘉義縣(義竹鄉、布袋鄉、新塭鄉)、台南市(七股區、北門區)、 高雄市(林園、永安)、及屏東縣(潮州、林邊、新埤)、花蓮縣(壽豐鄉)、宜 蘭縣(員山鄉、蘇澳鎮)等,台中市及南投縣現場調查場次各為1次,以養殖鱘龍魚 及鱒魚為主,雲林縣現場調查場次為2次,調查養殖魚種為白鰻、白蝦、淡水長臂蝦 、吳郭魚、烏魚、文蛤、錦鯉等,嘉義縣現場調查場次為7次,主要水產養殖種類為 青斑魚苗、龍虎斑魚苗、沙蝦、白蝦、白蝦苗、蟳、虱目魚、嘉臘、七星鱸、金目 鱸、午仔魚等,台南市現場調查場次為7次,主要水產養殖種類為珍珠斑、吳郭魚、 紋石鯛、烏魚、白蝦、七星鱸、金目鱸、午仔魚、龍膽石斑、青斑魚苗、龍虎斑魚 苗等,高雄市現場調查場次為4次,主要水產養殖種類為紋石鯛、嘉臘、牙鮃、金目 鱸、午仔魚錦鯉等,屏東縣現場調查場次為5次,主要水產養殖種類為白鰻、金目鱸 、鱸鰻、三角魚、熱帶魚、觀賞蝦、金魚等,花蓮縣現場調查場次為2次,主要調查 養殖魚種為蜆、吳郭魚、銀鱸、鱘龍魚等,宜蘭縣現場調查場次為2次,主要調查養 殖魚種為吳郭魚、銀鱸、鱘龍魚、鱒魚、白蝦、鱘龍魚苗等。

       淡水養殖經濟魚類罹患寄生蟲病,種類包括車輪蟲Trichodina sp.、舌杯蟲 (Apiosoma sp.、Glossatella sp. 或Vorticella sp.)指環蟲Dactylogyrus sp.,擬指環蟲Pseudodactylogyrus sp.、三代蟲Gyrodactylogyrus sp.、卵圓鞭毛 蟲Oodinium sp.、魚虱Argulus sp.、針蟲Lernaea cyprinacea;淡水養殖經濟魚類 細菌性疾病的病原如嗜水性細菌Aeromonas hydrophila、弧菌Vibrio sp.、愛德華 氏病Edwardsiella tarda、 鏈球菌Streptococcus sp.、柱狀細菌或滑走細菌 flavabacteria columnaris(Cytophage columnaris、Flexibacter columnaris ),淡水養殖經濟魚類罹患黴菌病,包括水黴菌如Achlya屬及Saprolegnia屬、鰓黴 菌Branchiomyces sp.。


       Diseased pathogens on the pond-cultured economic aquatic animals were examined, including 8 area: Taichung City, Nantou County, Yunlin County, Chiayi County ,Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, pingtung County, Hualien County, Yulan County etc. in Taiwan.  Total times of invited-investigate to the aquatic animals cultured ponds were 59 times, were 1 time in Taichung City and in Nantou County, 3 times in  Yunlin County, times in Chiayi County, 8 times in Tainan City, 4 times in Kaohsiung City, 5 times in Pingtung County, 2 times in Hualien County, while 2 times in Yulan County.

       Pathogen of severe diseased occurred on pond-cultured fresh-water fish and marine fish in Taiwan were caused by 3 kinds diseases that as worse-water quality, parasitic diseases and bacterial diseases. Severe bacterial diseases of fresh-water fish were caused by Aeromonas hydrophila、Vibrio sp.、Edwardsiella tarda、 Streptococcus sp.、and flavabacteria columnaris infection. While infected to marine fish were Aeromonas hydrophila、Vibrio sp. Streptococcus sp.、Nocardia sp.、 flavabacteria columnaris.