

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.3.3-水-A1(13)
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:李彥宏
  • 研究人員:陳陽德、黃維能、李念宜

本計畫主要培育雄性化烏魚子代並確認其性別比例,作為判別子代之雄親魚是否為 新雄烏魚之依據,另外進行烏魚子代及雌種魚再雄性化之試驗。截至目前為止,第 3及4批子代之生殖腺仍為卵巢表現,其子代有可能為全雌性,據此,推估其雄親魚 可能為新雄魚。其餘子代中,雄魚比例很高,由51%至95%不等,推估其親魚不是新 雄魚。在烏魚子代雄性化試驗方面,甲基睪固酮可100%雄性化烏魚子代,未來只要 確認是全雌性烏魚苗,可透過此方式培育出新雄魚。另外,雌烏魚種魚長期餵食甲 基睪固酮飼料,可促使卵巢性轉變為精巢,雄性化比例為39.3%(含精卵巢並存之烏 魚; intersex),其中生殖腺雖然卵巢依舊存在,但精巢內已有成熟精子,可做為繁 殖用之新雄魚種魚。另外,亦需要探討添加甲基睪固酮之最適濃度,用來提高雄性 化比例及產精。


The aim of this project is to cultivate and confirm the sex ratio of the progeny of masculized grey mullet parent to determine whether the male parent is a neomale or not. In addition, the experiments of masculinization of the offspring and female grey mullet are carried out. Up to now, the gonads of the third and fourth batch of offspring are still ovarian performance, and the offspring may be all female. Therefore, it is estimated that the male parent fish may be a neomale. In the remaining batches of offspring, the proportion of male fish is very high, ranging from 51% to 95%. It is estimated that the parent fish is not a neomale. In the masculinization of mullet offspring, methyltestosterone can be 100% effective. In addition, long-term feeding of methyltestosterone feed (100 mg/kg fed)can promote ovarian to testis and the optimal concentration of methyltestosterone should be explored to improve the male ratio and spermatogenesis.