

  • 日期:111-10-20
  • 計畫編號:110農科-1.7.1-水-A1
  • 年度:2021
  • 領域:農業科技管理及產業化
  • 主持人:葉念慈
  • 研究人員:蔡慧君、陳文君、高堂穎、歐秀美

本研究建立文蛤HPP開殼最適條件高壓為400MPa,文蛤沖泡品,經進行不同包材及儲放時間之 水活性、水分、微生物(總生菌數、大腸桿菌群、金黃色葡萄球菌及沙門氏菌)儲藏實驗,結果顯示,產品水活性介0.29-0.51,水分7.7%-12.0%,Aw<0.6可以抑制大部分非耐旱微生物生 長,避免導致食品劣變,本產品已低於0.65應可常溫流通,產品微生物符合「食品微生物衛生標準」規範,表示產品食用上安全,鋁箔包材,儲放12週水活性皆低於0.65,外觀沒顯著變 化,微生物也符合法規規範;透明包材部分,在第6週開始有菌數生長,且色澤分析檢測,發 現外觀顏色開始變紅變黃,TBA值也高於鋁箔包裝袋;綜上,本產品應可常溫保存,但建議鋁 箔包裝保存會較透明包裝佳,目前結果顯示,透明包材可儲藏6週,鋁箔包裝至少可儲藏12 週。


In this study, the optimum conditions for the opening of the shell of the clam HPP were established at 400 MPa, and the water activity, moisture content, and microorganisms (total bacterial count, Escherichia coli,Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella) of the clam brewed product after different packaging materials and storage time were established. ) Storage experiment, the results show that the water activity of the product is between 0.29-0.51, the moisture content is 7.7% -12.0%, and Aw<0.6 can inhibit the growth of most non-drought-tolerant microorganisms and avoid food deterioration. This product has been lower than 0.65 and should be at room temperature. Circulation, the product microbiology meets the "Food Microbiological Hygiene Standards" specification, which means that the product is safe for consumption. The water activity of the aluminum foil packaging material and storage for 12 weeks is less than 0.65, the appearance has not changed significantly, and the microbes also comply with the regulations; the transparent packaging material , The number of bacteria began to grow in the 6th week, and the color analysis and detection revealed that the appearance color began to turn red and yellow, and the TBA value was also higher than that of the aluminum foil packaging bag; in summary, this product should be stored at room temperature, but it is recommended that the aluminum foil packaging is better than transparent packaging.