

  • 日期:111-10-21
  • 計畫編號:110農科-6.2.7-水-A1(2)
  • 年度:2021
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:邱沛盛
  • 研究人員:蔡惠萍、葉信利、朱永桐、張丁仁、吳承憬、黃建維、陳重元、何信緯、黃政軒、劉于溶

本年度透過冷凍配子保存技術,成功冷凍保存5種具潛力的石斑魚雄魚精液,精子活力均大於75%,並分別保存無NNV帶原、具優勢基因標誌之鞍帶石斑魚 (Epinephelus lanceolatus, 15-16.5 ml)及棕點石斑魚 (E. fuscoguttatus, 3-4.5 ml)精液。其二,我們利用基因表現、簡單重複序列及單核甘酸多型性分析鞍帶石斑魚及棕點石斑魚種魚之高成長及高抗病標誌,篩選出帶有高成長基因標誌的鞍帶石斑魚9尾、棕點石斑魚5尾;帶有高抗病基因標誌的鞍帶石斑魚7尾、棕點石斑魚3尾,這些優勢種魚有助於後續生產優勢純種子代及雜交子代。最後,透過開發具市場潛力、耐低溫特性之青石斑魚 (E. awoara)繁養殖技術,以分別面對極端氣候、市場過度集中等問題。從2020年5月至2021年5月調查青石斑魚的週年性生殖腺發育情形,生殖季節為2-4月,生殖行為發生於下午14:00-18:00,由1-2尾雄魚追逐1尾雌魚,最終至水表面同時釋放精卵,在水溫21.5 ± 0.5℃條件下,經過39 h 1 min孵化。本計畫之執行將持續保存具生長、抗病、耐低溫優勢及市場潛力之石斑魚精液,並建立優良種魚資料庫、開發新品種石斑魚繁殖技術,以增進養殖漁民的福祉,並促進產業的永續發展。


This year (2021), we successfully cryopreserved the semen of 5 potential giant groupers (Epinephelus lanceolatus) and tiger groupers (E. fuscoguttatus). The sperm motility was greater than 75% and the preserved volume was 15-16.5 ml and 3-4.5 ml, respectively. All semen were NNV free. Second, we used gene expression, simple sequence repeat (SSR), and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) to analyze the high growth and disease resistance biomarkers of giant grouper and tiger grouper broodstocks. The results showed that ample high growth gene markers were found in nine giant groups and five tiger groups. The high disease resistance gene markers were found in seven giant groupers and three tiger groupers. These dominant broodstock are helpful for the subsequent production of dominant offspring and hybrids. Finally, the captive breeding of yellow grouper (E. awoara) which with high market potential and low-temperature resistance was developed in the present project. The year-round gonad development was investigated. The spawning season was from February to April and the reproductive behavior occurred in 14:00-18:00. We observed two males chasing one female, and finally swam to the water surface and release sperm and eggs at the same time. Embryonic development and larvae hatched lasted 39 h 01 min at 21.5 ± 0.5℃. The goal of the project will preserve the sperm of advantage grouper species, establish a database of superiority broodstock, and develop emerging grouper propagation technology to enhance the well-being of fish farmers and promote the industry's sustainable development.