

  • 日期:111-10-21
  • 計畫編號:110農科-6.2.7-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2021
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:張凱傑
  • 研究人員:陳榮華、杜金蓮、陳建彰、王姿文、曾福生

本年度計畫擬先針對本所淡水繁養殖研究中心(下稱本中心)紅色吳郭魚品種品系間調查及確立並利用3種紅色吳郭魚品系 (R1、R2及R3) 與本中心超雄性吳郭魚種魚交配後,進行子代雄性率分析。結果顯示,以7種限制酶分析在本中心3種紅色吳郭魚品系及業者自新加坡引進魚苗中的片段多型性後發現,R1、R2及RS與莫三比克吳郭魚一致,R3品系則有兩種型態,分別接近尼羅及歐利亞吳郭魚。另外在與超雄性吳郭魚種魚交配子代雄性率分析方面 ,R1品系子代雄性率為最高,雄性率高達100%,其次為R3品系,雄性率為97.6%,R2品系較低,為71.1%。
本研究目的為海水吳郭魚之選育,主要透過TFS海水吳郭魚改良現有紅色吳郭魚TsRn品系之耐鹽特性,經過正反交後,進行各自之重組近交系建立,結果發現正反交F1後代都可在全海水環境下成熟、交配、口孵至仔魚孵化,然而各自自交之仔代卻有截然不同之表現,經由回交測試,確認耐鹽性狀主要來自TFS,本年度亦成功選殖可區分成長快慢之分子標誌至少5組;另於全基因組定序仍在進行中,初步獲得原始序列之Read N50為23,492 bp,初步組裝獲得10,285 contigs,其中Contig N50為27,500 bp,顯示本次應可獲得高準確度的基因組序列。


The goal of this project are (1) Investigation and establishment of red tilapia strains. (2) Mating the red tilapia with the supermale tilapia and analysis the male ratio of offspring. Seven restriction enzymes were used to analyze the fragment polymorphisms of the three red tilapia strains from FRC (R1, R2 and R3) and the fish imported from Singapore (RS), and showed that R1, R2 and RS are similar with Oreochromis mossambicus. There are two types of R3 strain, which are close to O. niloticus and O. aureus. In addition, in the analysis of the male ratio of the offspring, the R1 strain has the highest male rate of offspring, with a male rate as high as 100%, followed by the R3 strain with a male rate of 97.6%, and the R2 strain has a lower male rate. 71.1%.
The aim of this research is cross with TFS strain to improve the salt-tolerant of red tilapia. We built TFS sea tilapia strains, but not as good as the market size and growth of the Nile tilapias. Therefore, to improve the seawater adaptability of tilapia, we bred TFS strain and the red TsRn strain from the Nile system, then established forward and diallel crossing F1, inbreeding F2 and backcross generation BC1F2. However, their self-bred offspring have completely different performances. The backcross test confirmed that the salt-tolerant traits mainly
come from TFS strain. There are at least 5 sets of molecular markers that can distinguish the growth rate this year. In addition, the whole genome sequencing is still in progress. The read N50 of the raw sequence is 23,492 bp, and assembly are 10,285 contigs, of which the Contig N50 are 27,500 bp, It means the Highaccuracy genome sequences should be available.