

  • 日期:111-10-24
  • 計畫編號:110農科-6.2.5-水-A4
  • 年度:2021
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:周昱翰
  • 研究人員:林益州

  1. 已完成智動巡航清除機軟硬體之組裝整合與測試,其中包含巡航筏結構、底藻清除回收機構、以及巡航控制系統等軟硬體模組。

  2. 歷經6次之實場測試與改善,已完成智動巡航清除機系統於池塘之測試驗證。

  3. 藉由便利之操控元件設計,智動巡航清除機已可順利執行智慧化池塘環境管理,並發展相關之管理應用。

  4. 擬於12月10日於海水繁養殖研究中心台西分所舉辦「智慧化池塘環境管理技術發展觀摩會」。


  1. The assembly, integration and testing of the software and hardware of the intelligent cruise removal machine has been completed, including the cruise raft structure, the bottom algae removal and recovery mechanism, and the cruise control system and other software and hardware modules.

  2. After 6 times of field tests and improvements, the test verification of the intelligent cruise cleaner system in the pond has been completed.

  3. With the convenient control element design, the intelligent cruise cleaner can successfully implement intelligent pond environmental management and develop related management applications.

  4. It is planned to hold the "Smart Pond Environmental Management Technology Development Observation Meeting" on December 10 at the Taixi Branch of the Sea Breeding Research Center.