

  • 日期:111-10-24
  • 計畫編號:110農科6.2.2-水-A2
  • 年度:2021
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:朱永桐
  • 研究人員:葉信利、邱沛盛、張丁仁、吳承憬

本試驗以自有的高壓海水塔,利用微型水力發電機發電,以提供本試驗部份供氧水車用電(1.5千瓦),目前設備及養殖尚進行當中,但以109年之養殖成果推算,本試驗預估可收穫1500公斤的白蝦,收益約45萬元,成本效益分析如:本試驗的主要成本項目有飼料費(37.29 %)、人事費(25.62 %)、電費(9.69 %)、微型水力發電機攤提成本費用(9.79 %)為主。未來國內的電費成本預期會持續增高,若未來在電費提高20%的狀況下,本試驗的電費成本將由9.69 %提高為11.4 %,本設施將可再節省約1.71%電費成本。


This experiment uses a seawater tower and a micro-hydrogenerator to generate electricity to provide part of the experiment's oxygen supplier power (1.5 kW).
The current equipment and aquaculture are still in progress. It is estimated that 1,500 kg of white shrimp can be harvested with a profit of about NTD 300,000. The cost analysis is as follows: The main cost items of this experiment include feed costs (37.29 %), personnel costs (25.62 %), electricity costs (9.69 %),micro-hydrogenerators amortize the cost (9.79 %). In the future, electricity tariffs are expected to continue to increase. If electricity tariffs are increased by 20 % in the future, the electricity cost of this trial will increase from 9.69% to 11.4%, and this facility will save about 1.71 % of electricity costs.