

  • 日期:112-04-20
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.1.2-水-A1(2)
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:朱惠真
  • 研究人員:黃奕瑄、王姿文、游蓁、杜金蓮、金映玥

文蛤在臺灣是一種非常重要的經濟性貝類,最近這些年由於大量的文蛤需求再加上 育種技術的興盛,文蛤也成為了大陸地區相當重要的養殖物種。在本年度的計畫中 將會以前2年所篩選文蛤基因標誌,以及4種不同的殼色進行文蛤不同品系之F1選育 ,並進行F1子代之相關形質分析,期許可依其品系的特性適應當前養殖環境。臺灣 九孔養殖產業因繁殖業者人工選育導致遺傳變異降低,造成生長緩慢、成熟個體體 型變小及養成率不佳等困境研究團隊擬引進不同來源之九孔進行蓄養以進行養殖品 系改良,主要方式則是利用雜交選育,擴增基因歧異度以提升養殖九孔活存率;因 此本研究團隊於3-4年前蒐集臺灣沿岸優質之野生九孔進行育種,目前已獲得F2子代 (代號為108品系)稚貝,須持續進行田間養成、基因變異追蹤與品系固定等相關試驗 工作。


The hard clam is a very important economic shellfish in Taiwan, and in recent years, due to the large demand for hard clams and the booming breeding technology, the hard clam has become a very important species for breeding in mainland China. In this year's project, we will select the F1 strains of hard clams using different genetic markers we selected two years ago. Four different shell colors will also be used to analyze the morphology of the F1 offspring. We are hoping that the various strains of hard clam with different characteristics will be able to adapt to the current breeding environment. On the other hand, the breeding industry of small abalone (Haliotis diversicolor) in Taiwan has been plagued by its low genetic variation due to artificial selection by breeders, thereby resulting in slow growth, the small size of mature individuals, and poor success rate for small abalone. The research team intends to improve the breeding strains by introducing different sources of small abalone, and the primary method is to use crossbreeding to increase the genetic variation to improve the survival rate of breeding small abalone. Therefore, our research team has been collecting wild small abalone of good quality from Taiwan coastal waters since a couple of years ago as the breeding source. Currently, we have produced the strains named108 strain and its F2, and we will continue the work of field cultivation, genetic variation tracking, and strain fixation for this strain.