

  • 日期:112-04-12
  • 計畫編號:112農科-6.3.1-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2023
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:易琮凱
  • 研究人員:蔡慧君、杜明杰、余皓偉、李沛珊、黃君毅

傷口癒合的過程中若反覆感染、發炎、或是暴露於致損傷環境下,有可能導致表皮 TGF-β受器過度表現而生成肥厚型疤痕,甚至是蟹足腫。在110-111的報告中指出紅 葡萄藻 (Botryocladia leptopoda) 機能性成分有助於傷口癒合與調節金屬蛋白酶 過量表現,且對於黑色素堆積具有抑制能力,顯示其有助於改善表淺形疤痕及塌陷 型疤痕的形成。本年度研究進一步分析紅葡萄藻機能成分對於肥厚型疤痕組織生成 的抑制能力,並開發一項應用於皮膚的保健產品,期能提升藻類的使用量與經濟價 值。


Repeated infection, inflammation, or exposure to damaging environments during wound healing may lead to overexpression of  TGF-β receptors, which results in hypertrophic scars and even keloids. In the 110-111 reports, they pointed out that the functional components of Botryocladia leptopoda showed wound healing ability, regulated the excessive expression of metalloproteinases, and inhibited for the accumulation of melanin, represented that these functional compounds improved superficial scars and collapse formation of scars. In this study does further analyze the ability of the functional components of B. leptopoda to inhibit the formation of hypertrophic scar tissue and to develop a healthcare product for application on skin care, which is expected to increase the algae utilization and its economic value.