

  • 日期:98-04-17
  • 年度:2008
  • 領域:加強生物多樣性及資源保育利用領域
  • 主持人:蕭聖代
  • 研究人員:蕭聖代、梁宏彥

牡蠣是一種營養價值極高的水產品。由於牡蠣難以由外部的形態來區分種間的差異,台灣養殖的巨牡蠣又與另一種葡萄牙牡蠣(C. angulata)極為相似,因此本研究採用分子生物的方法,辨識台灣地區牡蠣(包括野生及養殖)之種別。另外,本研究利用DNA序列辨識方式建立牡蠣生命條碼以協助鑑定走私、進口及加工品的物種鑑定,並了解牡蠣科內種與種之間的類緣關係。初步結果,比對台灣地區140個牡蠣個體進行系統演化分析,依其不同屬可分為兩群,分別為Crassostrea群和Saccostrea群。利用COI基因進行分析後,目前確定的兩個種為葡萄牙牡蠣(C. angulata)及僧帽牡蠣(S. cuccullata),另外有6個種群,則未能比對出已知牡蠣序列並與過去文獻記載台灣已知之牡蠣種類亦有差異,未來將再與傳統形態學研究結合,做更進一步的探討。


Shell morphology of oysters is plastic and sensitive to environmental influence. It cannot be used as reliable characters for species identification. This has led to many errors and confusions in oyster classification.DNA barcoding promises a useful tool for species identification, and also to elucidate the phylogeny of oysters. In this preliminary study we examined 140 OTUs for phylogenetic analysis. To investigate the possibility that concordance between species based on COI barcodes and compare with traditional morphological view. The result of this study showed that 2 genera (Crassostrea and Saccostrea) were found. Pure population of C. angulata was observed in Taiwan. Six groups of unidentified oysters (Crassostrea sp. and Saccostrea sp. groups 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) were also genetically analyzed.