

  • 日期:98-04-20
  • 計畫編號:98農科-8.1.4-水-A1
  • 年度:2009
  • 主持人:蕭聖代
  • 研究人員:梁宏彥

牡蠣是一種營養價值極高的水產品。由於牡蠣的外殼容易因為生長環境的不同而改變,殼的型態變化極大,只依靠傳統形態分類學的方法仍有許多盲點,因此若能搭配分子生物的技術在物種的分類上,將有相輔相成之效。本研究將利用COI序列建立台灣各離島牡蠣物種之DNA資料庫,藉以做為日後物種比對的機制,並進一步確立台灣產牡蠣的正確分類系統,闡明種屬間的親緣演化關係。另外,並利用DNA序列辨識方式建立台灣目前進口之生蠔生命條碼以作為種類鑑定時DNA序列比對之標準,以提供基因多樣性研究。初步結果,比對台灣各離島地區150個牡蠣個體進行系統演化分析,依其不同屬可分為三群,分別為Crassostrea群、Saccostrea群和Ostrea群。利用COI基因進行分析後,目前確定的五個種為葡萄牙牡蠣(C. angulata)、熊本牡蠣(C. sikamea)、僧帽牡蠣(S. cuccullata)、黑齒牡蠣 (S. mordax)及刺牡蠣 (S. kegaki),另外有7個種群,未能比對出正確種名,並與過去文獻記載台灣已知之牡蠣種類有所差異。未來將再與傳統形態學研究結合,做更進一步的探討。而進口牡蠣中發現,從美國進口台灣的牡蠣有兩種,分別為太平洋牡蠣及熊本牡蠣,越南進口牡蠣為C. cuttackensis,而其他各國之牡蠣皆為太平洋牡蠣,顯示太平洋牡蠣為世界最主要之養殖牡蠣。


Shell morphology of oysters is plastic and sensitive to environmental influence. It cannot be used as reliable characters for species identification. This has led to many errors and confusions in oyster classification. Furthermore, the classification and the distributions of oysters in outlying islands of Taiwan are poorly understood. DNA barcodes promises a useful tool for species identification, and also elucidate the phylogeny of oysters. In this preliminary study we used DNA barcodes to investigate the taxonomic diversity of oysters of outlying islands of Taiwan and also establish the DNA database of oysters imported from foreign country. We examined 150 OTUs for phylogenetic analysis, molecular data suggest that Taiwan oyster is a diverse taxon. The result of this study showed that 3 genera:Crassostrea, Saccostrea, and Ostrea. 5 species (C. angulata, C. sikamea, S. cuccullata, S. mordax, and S. kegaki)were identified by the molecular data. On the other hand, 13 species of imported oysters were collected in market, and which were represented from 8 countries. The oysters imported from USA referred to as C. sikamea and C. gigas. The Oysters imported from Veitnam referred to as C. cuttackensis. However, the other 11 species were all referred to as C. gigas. This result showed that C. gigas is an important cultivate species in many regions of the world.