

  • 日期:98-04-21
  • 年度:2004
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:王敏昌
  • 研究人員:王敏昌、李長縈、洪慶宏、李定安

龜山島櫻蝦漁業資源2005年才開始進入量產階段,為使宜蘭縣的櫻蝦漁業能永續經營,進行櫻蝦資源生態及漁場形成機制調查等相關之研究。本(2007)年度利用試驗船共完成4航次的調查,1.使用中層拖網(IKMT)及浮游生物網(RTN),進行9個定點採樣調查,標本攜回實驗室鑑定,並進行漁獲組成、體長、體重及成熟度測定等生物學研究,同時進行漁場餌料生物種類及分布。 2.使用溫鹽深儀(CTD)進行定線19個定點水溫、鹽度調查。 3.漁期中,另外蒐集標本船每日作業紀錄資料及漁獲標本,分析漁獲魚種組成。資料顯示,正櫻蝦漁獲水深介於 175–225m 之水層。宜蘭灣櫻蝦漁場水團的性質偏向Ⅲ型的混河水,混合層平均深度大約在100-150m左右,受到季節的影響,水團結構有交替的現象。正櫻蝦之頭胸甲長和體重之變動,雌雄分別計算時可得正櫻蝦之體長體重關係式:雄: WT = 0.0007 CL 2.8638 雌: WT = 0.0014 CL 2.5847


Sergia lucens(HANSEN) is famous as one of the commercially important seafoods in Tungkand, Taiwan. In the mouth of Yi-Lan Bay the same kind of shrimp has been known to appear, but is not fished untill 2005. Thus, it should focusing on managing the resources and fishing ground formation, in order to subsist the products of Sergestic shrimp, as well as the benefits of these hard working fishermen.Survey in this area was carried out in seasons by R/V Hai-Jan. Based on the data, water type classified with T-S diagram. Mixing of the Kuroshio and the coastal water in this region was considered by using the water types. The relationship between body weight (WT) and carapace length (CL) for females and males of Sergia lucens give the following relationshipmale: WT = 0.0007 CL 2.8638 female: WT = 0.0014 CL 2.5847