

  • 日期:98-04-21
  • 計畫編號:98農科-10.3.1-水-A3(5)
  • 年度:2009
  • 主持人:蘇惠美
  • 研究人員:施建宏、王淑欣、張銀戀

本年度以食用海葡萄(小葉蕨藻Caulerpa microphysa)及石蓴為養殖藻種,探討打氣管鋪設、進排水、海藻收穫管路等養殖槽設施;施肥方法,水溫,光照(室內用螢光燈,室外自然光照)與定期收獲等因素,對海藻產量的影響,建立最佳操作條件。結果顯示小葉蕨藻直立莖延長到30公分,產率約 7.8 kg/m2/month的產品(直立莖20公分以上),產品儲存方法可保存 90 % 的收穫量至少兩個月。石蓴在戶外大型水槽1 kg/m2 密度養殖下,SGR 為 7-12 %/day。在節能減碳效能上,依目前產量推估石蓴的CO2固定量為79.2 ton/ha/y,蕨藻的CO2 固定量為11.9 ton/ha/y。


Studies on the tank culture of economic seaweed
This study aims to find the optimal operation and management for tank culture Caulerpa microphysa (sea grape) and Ulva lactuca. Several important factors influence the growth and yield of both seaweed are tested. These factors include the tanks shape and size, nutrients quality and quantity, water exchange rate, nature or artificial light, water inlet and outlet, aeration pipes. In addition, the nutrition, storage and utilization of the harvest seaweed are investigated. Caulerpa microphysa cultured in the designed tanks indoor could extend the edible stem to 30 cm length, had an average yield of 7.8 kg/m2/month and >90% harvest product in 2 months’ storage. Ulva lactuca cultured in outdoor pond at stock density 1 kg/m2 had SGR of 7-12 %/day. According the experimental data it is estimated the CO2 fixation rate is 79.2 ton/ha/y and 11.9 ton/ha/y by Ulva and Caulerpa individually