

  • 日期:100-04-12
  • 計畫編號:99農科-10.2.1-水-A1(2)
  • 年度:2010
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:江偉全

本研究自2005年12月至2010年11月止,於台灣東部沿岸(宜蘭、花蓮及新港魚市場)針對定置網及延繩釣捕獲之長腰鮪(Thunnus tonggol)進行樣本採集,並記錄樣本魚體長(尾叉長,FL)及體重(W)等生物性基本資料。總計採集245尾長腰鮪樣本,其體長範圍為30至75.3 cm、體重範圍0.45至9.9 kg。體長與耳石長(Lo)之關係式為FL=5.8507Lo+3.7889(R2=0.7414)、體重與耳石重(Wo)之關係式為W= 0.2845Wo-0.8462 (R2= 0.8462)、體長與耳石徑長(RL)之關係式為FL= 40.069RL-0.81626 (R2= 0.716),顯示耳石長與體長、耳石重與體重及體長與耳石徑長皆具有高度相關性。台灣長腰鮪年齡組成為0.2–0.7 歲 (86–273天),皆為小於1歲之幼魚;澳洲之長腰鮪長腰鮪年齡組成為0.4–18.7 歲,以4至9歲魚居多,僅有1尾魚為小於1歲之幼魚。研究結果顯示台灣與澳洲海域長腰鮪年齡組成有明顯的差異,未來需要更一步共同探討可能之因素,包括:1)西太平洋長腰鮪一個族群,台灣海域為孕育海域,長腰鮪成長之後再洄游至澳洲海域;2)長腰鮪短暫棲息於台灣海域,再往北洄游至日本南方海域;3)採樣選擇漁法的因素,由於台灣樣本以定置網採集居多,可能因此欠缺小魚及大魚樣本。持續性進行台灣近海樣本採集與年齡與成長解析研究,並進行台灣與澳洲海域長腰鮪族群結構探討,將有助於更深入了解印度太平洋長腰鮪之族群動態。


A collaborative project was established between the Fisheries Research Institute, National Taiwan University and CSIRO in Australia studied the growth dynamics of longtail tuna in two spatially separated neritic regions during 2005–20010. In total, 686 fish were collected: 245 from Taiwan (30–75.3 cm FL; 0.45– 9.9 kg) and 461 fish from Australia (23.8–125.0 cm FL; 0.26–27.8 kg). In Taiwanese waters, fish ranged in age from 86–273 days (0.2–0.7 years), with the entire catch being <1 year of age. In contrast, fish ages in Australian waters ranged between 0.4–18.7 years with the majority of fish being 4–9 years of age and only one juvenile fish was captured. This study has revealed that the two regions support very different age structures of fish, which may be due to several factors that need further investigation within a collaborative research program. Some of these factors may be: i) longtail tuna comprise a single stock throughout the Western Pacific Ocean where the waters around Taiwan serve as a nursery before fish move south to Australia as they grow, ii) longtail tuna are only temporary residents in Taiwanese waters as they migrate to waters of southern Japan, iii) a mis-match of spatial and/or temporal sampling effort for longtail tuna or selectivity of sampling gears around Taiwan may have contributed to an underrepresentation of the largest and smallest fish present in the population. Continued sampling of longtail tuna in Taiwanese waters for age and growth determination and a collaborative study between Taiwan and Australia on longtail tuna stock structure will begin to fill some of the large knowledge gaps that currently exist for this little-studied tuna species.