

  • 日期:100-04-15
  • 計畫編號:100農科-10.3.1-水-AC
  • 年度:2011
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:黃美瑩

益菌質(prebiotics)是指不能消化的食物原料,可選擇性刺激腸道內益菌的生長及活性,進而對宿主產生有利的效用,以改善宿主健康。益菌質主要包括果寡醣、異麥芽寡醣及異構乳糖等,其中以果寡醣被研究的較多。果寡醣在人類的小腸中難以消化及吸收,在大腸中會被少數有益菌發酵分解,轉換成短鏈脂肪酸,進而促進體內雙歧桿菌 (Bifidobacterium) 等有益菌的增生、抑制有害菌種,如:沙門氏菌(salmonella),這些有害菌多半無法利用果寡醣,因此果寡醣可以促成腸道菌叢生態健全、提高身體免疫能力,增進宿主的健康。許多研究顯示,果寡醣有助於提升人類及家禽畜之健康狀況。近年來,於比目魚及大西洋鮭魚飼料中添加果寡醣,分別有助於魚隻成長及提升飼料轉換率。此外,研究指出,分子較大的果聚醣對人類具有抗腫瘤及刺激免疫活性的功效,而在飼料中添加微生物之果聚醣,可以做為鯉魚稚魚免疫刺激劑。本計畫擬自海水樣品、魚類腸道及食品等篩選分離果寡醣產生菌(產果糖基轉移酶細菌),建立不同細菌所產果寡醣及果聚醣之特性資料,大量培養細菌以取得果寡醣及果聚醣,以利進一步探討其應用於水產養殖及機能性食品之可行性。


As defined by Gibson and Roberfroid (1995), “a prebiotic is a nondigestible food ingredient that beneficially affects the host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon, and thus improves host health.” Among other types of prebiotics, the effects of fructooligosaccharides on the health of human and livestock species have been studied. A diet containing fructooligosaccharide (FOS) resulted inincreased growth of turbot larvae. In this study, isolation of FOS and levan formation bacteria from different sources were conducted. The FOS and levan profiles of different strains of bacteria were compared. To furtherinvestigate the possibility of the use of isolates for the efficient production of the FOS and levan, the factors affecting the production of FOS and levan were compared. It is expected that these data will encourage the isolation of FOS and levan formation bacteria, with the aim
for application of food processing and aquaculture in the future.