

  • 日期:102-02-04
  • 計畫編號:101農科-11.3.1-水-A2(8)
  • 年度:2012
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:鄭金華
  • 研究人員:鄭金華、王盈斌、蕭穫育、楊生山、陳紫媖

本試驗在SPF隔離防疫設施中進行SPF泰國蝦種蝦培育並建立其繁養殖技術,進而建立高成長的SPF泰國蝦種原。4個泰國蝦種原經10個月的成長以北里港品系最快,其次為九如鄉、南里港,鹽埔鄉最慢;各組平均體重分別為45.5 g、41.7 g、39.4 g、34.2 g。在存活率方面分為2個階段,第1階段經2個月的試驗,以南里港品系的存活率較高,其次為鹽埔鄉和九如鄉,而北里港品系最低,各組的存活率分別為79.7%、73.9%、69.5%、63.4%;第2階段經5個月的試驗,以南里港品系的存活率較高,其次為北里港、鹽埔鄉和九如鄉,各組的存活率分別為74.7%、63.8%、55.4%、53.0%。以4個10噸FRP桶進行不換水泰國蝦苗培育,育苗率最高達55.0%,平均育苗率為40.8%。


The objective is to establish the biosecure culture system of Macrobrachium rosenbergii and to establish its fast growth SPF broodstock. From the results of 10 months culture of four stocks of M. rosenbergii, growth were fastest in North-Ligang Jiouru, followed by Jiouru, South-Ligang and, Yenpu; average body weight of each group were 45.5 g、41.7 g、39.4 g、34.2 g, respectively. However, South-Ligang had highest survival rates (74.7%), followed by North-Ligang (63.8%) Yenpu (55.4%) and Jiouru (53.0%). Larvae were reared in 10 ton FRP tanks without changing water, survival rate reached to 55.0% with average of 40.8%.