

  • 日期:107-02-21
  • 計畫編號:107農科-18.3.3-水-A2
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:農業資源循環暨農能共構之產業創新
  • 主持人:謝恆毅
  • 研究人員:冼宜樂、呂逸林、鐘金水、林綉美、歐麗榛、鄭靜怡

人工藻場的建置,可使用中國半葉馬尾藻的藻苗經由無性生殖的方式可快速形成藻 床,且依附性的生物不僅具多樣性且豐度又高,對漁業生物誘集的效益相當高。本 計畫也針對粉葉馬尾藻的有性生殖附苗與育苗技術進行研發,藉以大量生產藻苗繩 ,為「離岸風場」營造及增加海洋生物棲息環境場域,達到增裕漁業資源之目的。 本年度在海域監測的部分每個測站各進行三次維護,確保資料品質與監測系統可以 穩定運重,累積至10月31日止,總共累積水文資料40977筆,並於二月初依據水溫即 時數據,發布新聞稿提醒地方政府與民眾注意低水溫問題,另相關水溫記錄亦可提 供做為未來藻場復育的環境背景資料。


Utilizing asexual reproductive seedlings ofSargassum hemiphyllumvar.chinensecould speedy establish artificial macroalgae forests and gather diverse and abundant attached creatures. The artificial Sargassum forest is also efficient to attract fishery creatures. In this study, we also aim to develop the sexual reproductive seed lingtechnology ofSargassum glaucescensto produce seedlings ropes for enriching habitat and fishery resources in the offshore wind power farm field.

This year, we maintain each monitoring station for three times, to ensure that the data quality and station regular. As of October 31, a total of 40,977 data were accumulated. and the data remind low water temperature in early February to notice local governments and the public to pay attention to the problem, and the related water temperature record can also provide environmental background information for future algae breeding.