

  • 日期:106-03-04
  • 計畫編號:106農科-10.2.2-水-A1(3)
  • 年度:2017
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:翁進興
  • 研究人員:黃星翰、楊清閔、賴繼昌、何珈欣、陳秋月、洪國軒、余 淑楓、黃建智、藍揚麒

     鰆魚為臺灣高經濟價值魚種之一,主要由流刺網及曳繩釣捕獲,由作業船隻推 估2017年漁獲量約為660公噸,2017年1~11月作業船漁獲體型與體重之關係數如下 :BW =aFL b;BW = 0.00006x 3.0868(r² = 0.9843, n=467),雌魚之50% 最小性成 熟平均體型為68 cm FL,依據耳石判讀其年齡小於1歲,3~6月可採集到水卵,此海 域為產卵場之一,3月由CTD測得水溫約為23℃,7月約為27℃,推估本魚種之產卵適 水溫為23~25℃。


The Spainsh mackerel ( Scomberomores commerson ) is one of the major commercial fish species for drift gillnet and trolling lines fisheries in waters of Taiwan. The total catch annual of Spainsh mackerel in Taiwan has been about 660 metric tones in 2017. The fork length, and body weight composition for samples collect from January to November 2017. The relationship between body weight (BW) and fork length (FL) was estimated as BW = 0.00006x 3.0868(r² = 0.9843, n=467). The mean length at first maturity (L 50 ) for females was 68 cm FL. The otolith to determine the age of this fork length is about 1 year. The waters were likely to be the nursery ground for Spainsh mackerel because the transparent eggs were collected in these waters from March to June. The water temperature was approximately 23 and 27℃ from March and July. Suggesting that Spainsh mackerel have a preference for temperature 23 to 25℃.