

  • 日期:106-03-04
  • 計畫編號:106農科-10.2.2-水-A1(4)
  • 年度:2017
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:張景淳
  • 研究人員:吳瑞賢、蔡富元、許紅虹、江偉全

翻車魨為最大的真骨魚類,廣泛分佈於溫帶與熱帶海域。翻車魨為混獲魚種,臺灣 東部海域捕獲翻車魨包含有延繩釣、鏢旗魚、流刺網與定置網等漁法。因其捕獲量 高,年間漁獲量變異劇烈,然而有關翻車魨的生態與族群特徵研究幾乎完全闕如。 本研究探討臺灣東部海域翻車魨漁獲種類組成、數量及體長頻度的變動情形,並探 討其漁獲量變動與海水表面溫度間的關係。根據2016年1月至2017年11月台東新港地 區延繩釣與2003年1月至2011年12月花蓮六組定置漁網之翻車魨漁獲資料顯示,臺灣 翻車魨種類組成主要為矛尾翻車魨與翻車魨屬,組成比例為8:2。翻車魨數量、平均 體長與體長組成有明顯的季節性變動,數量在水溫較低時達到高峰。小個體翻車魨 主要出現在冬季,其數量在夏季明顯減少,而體型較大的翻車魨組成百分比在夏季 偏高。此外,矛尾翻車魨的數量在冬季與春末夏初有增加的趨勢,推測臺灣東部海 域的矛尾翻車魨有兩個加入群。本研究結果顯示臺灣翻車魨的數量與族群結構有明 顯的季節性變動,而此變動情形可能與海水表面溫度和翻車魨的行為與生活史特徵 有關。


Sunfishes (Molidae) comprise the largest bony fishes inhabiting tropical and temperate ocean regions. Though they occupy both epipelagic and mesopelagic realms, they are principally non-targeted bycatch species and are captured by longline, harpoon, drift net, and set net fisheries in eastern Taiwan. Due to increasing numbers of removals from the fishery, there are concerns how this trend may affect the population dynamics and facilitate the possible decline of the stock. Complicating the situation for management is that the ecology and population dynamics are poorly understood for this species and whether current exploitation levels are sustainable. To fill in some of the necessary gaps in knowledge of sunfishes for local fisheries management, we investigated variability in species composition, abundance, size composition, and the possible correlation with sea surface temperature (SST) in eastern Taiwan. Fishery data of sunfish was collected from Shingang fish market, Taitung, from January 2016 to October 2017, and from the set-net complex, Hualien, from January 2003 to December 2011. The species comprised Masturus lanceolatus (80%) followed by Mola spp. (20%). Species abundance, average standard length, and size composition exhibited seasonal variability and abundance reached a peak in winter when SST was low (21°C). Small, immature individuals first appeared in winter and then sharply decreased in summer and the proportions of the largest individuals were highest in summer. The stock abundance of Masturus lanceolatus was highest in winter and late spring/early summer with recruits entering the fishery off eastern Taiwan. Variability in population dynamics appeared to be closely associated with water temperature, their life history traits and behavior.