

  • 日期:106-03-09
  • 計畫編號:106農科-10.2.2-水-A1(5)
  • 年度:2017
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:茬家續
  • 研究人員:王勝平、林家帆、陳鋐、楊家榛、林治瑜、劉祐瑜、吳瑞 賢、周爰瑱、林憲忠、蔡富元、許紅虹、江偉全、張景淳

    鬼頭刀( Coryphaena hippurus )屬高度洄游性大洋魚類之一種,廣泛分佈在熱 帶、亞熱帶及溫帶海域。在東亞地區,鬼頭刀是重要的商業性及休閒漁業漁獲對象 ,且為多個國家所共有的漁業資源,例如臺灣與日本。由於目前臺灣鬼頭刀執行鬼 頭刀漁業改進計畫(Fishery Improvement Project, FIP),並進行漁業開發現況資 源評估以確保美國外銷市場,此須由科學家執行鬼頭刀相關之資源研究分析以作為 工作計畫之佐證。     由電子式標識放流研究記錄鬼頭刀30天移動行為特徵,棲息深度介於0-70公尺 ,棲息溫度介於21.4-30.1℃。鬼頭刀超過50%的時間棲息於海表面,且夜間比白天 更廣泛的垂直移動,但是主要局限於混合層,並沒有超過溫躍層。深度的分布幾乎 限制與表面溫度差6℃的變化(有90%的移動限制在6℃之暖水)。整體來說,鬼頭刀主 要棲息於海表面以及垂直移動主要限制於混合層。本研究亦發現鬼頭刀在夜間有更 多的時間棲息於較深水域,而不是白天。晝夜的下潛模式或許與當獵物聚集時可能 可以增加覓食的機會和(或)可能演變成避免掠食者的攻擊有關。     整合近年來樣本船之作業與VDR資料用以建構作業航次與作業時數之推估模式 ,並估計歷年漁船之作業時數之努力量資料以進行臺灣東部鬼頭刀CPUE之計算。此 外,本研究亦利用群集分析法判別臺灣東部海域作業船之作業漁法,以供作為 CPUE標準化分析之目標魚種作業特性因子。根據標準化CPUE變動趨勢,於每年第2季 臺灣東部海域鬼頭刀會出現CPUE之最高峰,而通常於第4季又會出現次高峰,然而近 年來CPUE呈現逐年減少的趨勢。     本年度萃取粒線體DNA,並分析共225尾個體之mtDNA ND1 部分序列長度約 766bp,各核苷酸分布百分比約為A: 23.6%; T: 31.1%; C:27.1%; G:18.2%,發現所 分析的核苷酸序列中,族群岐異度分析:88個位置發生變異,共有84種基因型。各採 樣區域內的單倍基因型歧異度Hd介於0.844 (東港樣本)與0.952 (蘇澳樣區)之間 ,顯示各採樣區域均有相同的單倍基因型出現。各採樣區域的核苷酸歧異度π,介 於0.00343~0.00532之間;其中最小值則出現在臺東新港2014a年樣區,最大值出現 在澎湖樣區,顯示澎湖樣區相較於其他族群於核苷酸歧異度有較高的變異。另外 ,以F ST 固定指數fixation index分析族群遺傳結構的狀況時,各採樣區域的F ST 介於0~0.08250之間,其中F ST 之最大值 (0.08250*)則出現在臺東新港與澎湖兩 樣區之間,另於日本長崎海域樣區亦有明顯差異,故於太平洋鬼頭刀之族群結構仍 須持續採集不同年間與擴大樣本數與地理分布以供作後續相關分子生物學實驗之所需。


     Dolphinfish ( Coryphaena hippurus ) is a highly migratory oceanic pelagic fish found worldwide in tropical, subtropical, and temperate waters. In East Asia, dolphinfish support economically important commercial fisheries, and are a shared resource among multiple countries, such as Taiwan and Japan. To urge Taiwanese dolphinfish fishery on achieving the certification of fishery improvement project (FIP) to ensure the US export markets, relevant studies for dolphinfish implemented by scientists were necessary as evidence.      For the tagging experiments, one dolphinfish was tracked for periods of 30 days reaching depths 0-70 m, and experiencing temperatures ranging from 21.4-30.1°C. This fish spent >50% of their time near the surface and made more extensive vertical movements during nighttime than daytime, but vertical movements were largely confined to the mixed layer and did not cross the thermocline. The depth distributions of the tagged fish appeared to be limited by a 6 °C (i.e., >90% of movements were within 6 °C of the warmest water) change relative to sea surface temperature. Overall, tagged dolphinfish primarily inhabited near-surface habitat and vertical movements are limited by the depth of the mixed layer. This study found that dolphinfish dove deeper and for longer durations at nighttime, rather than daytime. Diel dive pattern may relation feeding opportunities when prey are aggregated and (or) may have evolved to avoid predators.      We integrated the operation and VDR data of sample vessels in recent years to develop a model for estimating the fishing hours based on fishing trips. The estimated historical fishing hours of vessels were used to calculate the CPUE of mahi-mahi in the eastern Taiwan waters. In addition, the cluster analysis was adopted to identity the fishing methods of vessels and the clusters were further incorporated into the model as a factor related to targeting species of fishing operations. The trends of standardized CPUE indicated that the highest CPUE values occurred in the second quarter and there were often high CPUE values in the fourth quarter. However, the CPUE revealed a decreasing trend in recent years.      225 muscle samples were collected from PonHu, SuAu, TungKang and Shingkang in Taiwan and other waters including Nagasaki in Japan. Majority of samples from Shingkang in 2013 and 2014 were preliminary analyzed using sequencing data. In addition, samples collected from others waters such as Japanese area and eastern Pacific Ocean are desired for the further investigation of genetic population structure. For the preliminary results, we focus on the comparison the genetic differentiation of the dolphinfish samples collected from Taiwan and Japan waters. We surveyed the pattern of genetic differentiation using 766 bp of sequence of the mtDNA ND1 for 225 individuals. We report significant genetic differentiation between the collection from Taitung 2013 (spring season, n= 42) and the collections from PonHu (n= 13), and Nagasaki (n= 29). These results show genetic heterogeneity between Taitung 2013 and Nagasaki, Japan. However, the rest of samples collected from Taitung didn’t show the similar differentiation pattern. Therefore, in future studies, sample sizes and geographic coverage should be increased to resolve the population structure of dolphinfish.