

  • 日期:105-06-03
  • 計畫編號:105農科-11.3.3-水-A1 (4)
  • 年度:2016
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:楊明樺
  • 研究人員:鄭金華、楊生山

本計畫目的在建立SPF白蝦種蝦庫並選育優良白蝦品系。所得結果如下:1.白蝦種原 之引進:目前已引進並保存SPF白蝦種原4批。2.病原追蹤檢測:持續以qPCR檢測技 術篩選不帶WSSV、TSV、GAV/MBV、IMNV及IHHNV等6種病毒及EMS的病原菌-副溶血弧 菌的白蝦種原。3.高生殖力選育:本試驗共使用107尾母蝦,在為期249天的記錄中 ,個別產卵次數的差異很大,其中有2尾產卵次數是0,而產卵數9次以上者共計12尾 ,佔107尾母蝦的11%,共產卵111次佔總產卵499次的22%,將生殖力高的12隻母蝦個 別留下後代供下年度進行成長力選育。4.高成長選育:將3批高生殖力母蝦的子代共 41家系,進行2階段高成長選育。第1階段篩選強度為17-18%,篩選比例為1.36- 1.54,第2階段篩選強度為25-33%,公蝦篩選比例為1.14-1.15,母蝦為1.11-1.20。 5. 不同選育代數之間成長比較:經過選育之白蝦F2、F3與進口種蝦之F1在密度150與 200/m 2 養殖16週後,其成長(g/週)、FCR、存活率(%)與產量(kg/m2)均無顯著差異 ,顯示本土選育1-2代蝦苗與進口種蝦1代苗有相同競爭力。


The objectives of the project are to establish the SPF broodstock of Litopenaeus vannamei and to improve high growth and high reproductive performance through selective breeding. The results are following: 1.Introduce of broodstock: Four batches of broodstock were introduced and kept in Tungkang Biotechnology Research Center, Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute. 2. Diseases diagnose: broodstock were screened with WSSV, TSV, YHV/GAV, IMNV, IHHNV and EMS pathogen, Vibrio parahaemolyticus using qPCR . 3. Selection for high reproductive performance: the number of spawn were highly variable within 107 females used in this study, in which, 2 no spawn at all; 12 spawn more than 9 times, which spawn 111 times in total and represents 22% of the grand total of 499 times. 4.Selection for high growth: This study using the offspring of three batches with high reproductive performance to go through 2-step high growth selection program. The selective intensity for the first and the second step of selection were 17-18% and 25-33%. 5.Compared growth performance with different selective generation: The growth rate(g/week), FCR, survival rate(%) and yield(kg/m 2 ) were all not significantly different of white shrimp between local breeding(1-2 generation) and F1 of imported broodstock at density 150/m2 and 200/m2 for 16 weeks. It showed that the seedlings with 1-2 generations of local breeding had the same competitive ability as the F1 of imported shrimp.