

  • 日期:110-07-30
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.1.2-水-A1
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:江偉全
  • 研究人員:吳瑞賢、張景淳

黑皮旗魚(Makaira nigricans)廣布於世界三大洋,棲息熱帶、亞熱帶與溫帶海域。 瞭解大洋性魚類棲息分布及環境因子如何影響碁垂直移動行為習性及地理分布是有 效進行漁業管理最重要的基礎參數。本研究採用彈脫型衛星標識紀錄器(PSAT),於 臺東海域利用傳統鏢旗魚漁法及延繩釣作業方式將標識器配置於黑皮旗魚。自 2010年2月至2014年4月止總計標識14尾黑皮旗魚,標識器在魚體記錄時間為26- 360天,標識地點與標識器彈脫位置點直線距離為56-3,759公里,下潛深度達441公 尺,棲息海域水溫為32.3°C 至6.8°C,白天與夜晚有顯著性的差異,白天有頻繁性 的下潛行為。白天主要棲息於表水層至混合層(約50公尺)間水層,夜間則喜好棲息 於水表層。在2010年反聖嬰(La Niña)黑皮旗魚棲息分布受到局限,在2010-2013年 赤道與東太平洋水溫高時,棲息分布範圍以西北太平洋為主。2014年黑皮旗魚移動 範圍往南跨越赤道且棲息於沿岸海域,因此推測聖嬰-南方震盪現象(ENSO)所造成的 水溫異常會影響黑皮旗魚洄游行為及其時空分佈。


Blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) is a cosmopolitan species distributed throughout tropical, sub-tropical, and temperate waters. Understanding the movements of pelagic fish and the influence that environmental conditions have on their vertical and geographic distribution is fundamental to understanding their ecology and necessary for effective management. Pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) were deployed on blue marlin using the traditional harpoon and longline fisheries of southeastern Taiwan. Depth, temperature and ambient light data were recorded by the PSATs. In total, 14 blue marlin were tagged between Feb 2010 to May 2014 and PSATs remain affixed from 27 to 360 days-at-liberty. Linear displacements ranged from 56 to 3,759 km from deployment to pop-up locations. Diving depths ranged from the surface to ~441 m and water temperatures occupied ranged from 32.3°C to 6.8°C, and the distributions of time spent at depth were significantly different between daytime and nighttime. Tagged blue marlin spent the majority of daytime in the surface mixed-layer to ~50 m, and at nighttime they were exclusively confined to the surface. The movements of blue marlin appeared to be restricted during the 2010 La Niña. Blue marlin exhibited residency patterns exclusive to the northwest Pacific Ocean during 2010-2013, when sea surface temperatures across the equatorial Eastern Central Pacific Ocean were higher. During 2014, blue marlin undertook movements across the equator and exhibited residency patterns near coastal areas. It is postulated the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) affected movement behaviors over temporal and spatial scales by shaping the available thermal habitat of blue marlin.