

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.5.8-水-A1
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:楊順德
  • 研究人員:郭裔培、張凱傑、溫鈺涓

以過氧化物價 202.64 mmol/kg、丙二醛含量 156.63 nmol/g 的氧化大豆油 8 % 添 加於飼料中,搭配維生素 C/E (mg/IU) C50/E50、C500/E50、C50/E500 和 C500/E500 投餵吳郭魚 8 週,結果顯示,氧化油對吳郭魚的成長有不利的影響,且 維生素添加量對成長無顯著正面效益,FCR 5.94 - 16.52。提高維生素 C 或 E 添 加量,均有助於降低 a 值,且維生素 E 還能提高 CIE L* 值,商品賣相較佳,魚 片保存 7 天後,不論是維生素 C 或維生素 E,均能顯著降低丙二醛含量,且 CIE a* 值均顯著低於對照組。維生素 C 或 E 對肉質影響,各組間差異並不顯著。健康 指標上,兩種維生素搭配能顯著降低血漿丙胺酸轉氨酶活性,降低氧化油脂對生理 的負面影響。0、5、10 和 20% 玉米蛋白投餵吳郭魚 4週,CIE a* 值隨添加提高而 降低,CIE b* 值尚未在投餵 4 週後有顯著提升。


In this study, we added 8% highly oxdized soybean oil, which had 202.64 mmol/kg peroxide and 156.63 nmol/g malondialdehyde (MDA), to experimental diets with differente final contents of vitam C and E (C50/E50, C500/E50, C50/E500 and C500/E500), and fed tilapia for 8 weeks. The results showed that oxdized soybean oil had adverse effect on growth performance, and there were no positive effects on increasing vitamin C or E content. In contrast, high level of vitam C or E can reduce fillet a value of color space. Moreover, Vitamin E also can increae CIE L* value. The result indicated both vitamin C and E can promote fillet coloration. After 7 days storage, both vitamins can significantly inhibit MDA generation, and significantly redeuced CIE a* value. Texture profile analysis showed that vitamin C or E had no significant effects on fillet texture. In the aspect of health status, 500 mg/kg vitamin C combined with 500 IU/kg vitamin E can reduse plasma alanine transaminase activity, alleviating negative effect caused by oxidized oil. 0, 5, 10 and 20% corn gluten meal (CGM) were added to diet and fed tilapia for 4 weeks, the results showed there was negative correlation between CGM content and CIE a* value. In addition, CIE b* value did not significantly increase after 4 weeks feeding.