

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-11.2.8-水-A3
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:智慧科技農業
  • 主持人:王郁峻
  • 研究人員:林志遠

近年水產養殖業面臨環境變化、氣候災害、疾病等風險之頻繁影響,此外養殖經驗 傳承、人力老齡化及缺工問題,亦為產業發展亟待解決之課題。本研究應用資通訊 科技、物聯網、雲端運算及大數據分析與智能互聯概念,發展生物體長辨識技術進 行魚體長判定與掌握精準投餵,此外運用聲波探測技術、光學數位病原量辨識技術 ,掌握養殖池生物量與病原動態,並整合無線資通訊科技之感測元件、發展環控系 統、水質微氣候等多元感測之聯網感控技術,並結合微環境即時監控及生產過程智 慧管控系統等先進自動控制發展養殖智慧決策回饋管理系統,整合本所養殖專家經 驗,導入並建置基礎養殖環境多參數資料庫,以期解決目前傳統養殖所遭遇問題 ,促進健康優質水產養殖物種培育與養成,以協助傳統水產養殖業自動化與智慧化 ,最終透過技術跨域整合發起智慧養殖聯盟推廣智慧生產技術與數位服務概念導入 養殖產業應用,並促進產業朝智能化養殖的方向努力。


The aquaculture industry is faced with problems of environmental changes, climate disasters, diseases, and other risks. In addition, the industry is suffered from the aging of aquafarmers and the lack of manpower. It is an urgent need to solve these problems for industrial development. In this study, the technology such as Image recognition, sound wave, and optical pathogen measurement was used to calculate the fish body length and precision feeding, to calculate the amount of fish, and to monitor the pathogen dynamics of fish pond through the applications of ICT, internet of things, cloud computing and big data analysis. The integrated technology with new techniques may solve the problems of traditional aquaculture and assist the industry toward automation and intelligentization. Finally, the Alliance for Smart Aquaculture was launched through technology cross-domain integration to promote the application of smart production technology with the digital service concept and to enhance the efforts of the industry in the direction of intelligent aquaculture.