

  • 日期:111-10-24
  • 計畫編號:110農科-12.2.1-水-A3
  • 年度:2021
  • 領域:農業綠能多元發展之整合性關鍵技術研發與推動
  • 主持人:葉宇庭
  • 研究人員:陳俊廷、冼宜樂、呂逸林

  1. 粉葉馬尾藻受精卵採集、附苗與培育藻苗技術開發 
    近4年調查澎湖海域產的粉葉馬尾藻,7月為生殖托的成熟期,受精卵外釋高峰期在7月4日至7月15日間。藻苗培育至10月底可發展成多葉葉狀體後,便進入成長蟄伏期,並持續至1月底藻苗才開始增長,其幼苗階段時間長達近6個月;葉狀體部分,從2月間開始增長,並持續至6月中旬(野外的藻體可維持至7月下旬),因COVID-19疫情影響無法觀察藻體成熟階段。目前粉葉馬尾藻育苗技術雖已趨於成熟與穩定,但易增生雜藻,阻礙藻苗成長,可混養藻食性螺類如銀塔鐘螺(Tectus pyramis)及水晶鳳凰螺( Laevistrombus canarium)等幼螺,可有效抑制雜藻增生。
  2. 人工藻場應用-廢止漁港活化
    於已廢止的漁港內進行表層人工藻場佈放,經65日後,藻體覆蓋率可達50 %,形成藻場,可在短時間內改善廢止漁港棲地環境。藻場發展期間,持續有大量的藻食性的臭都魚(Siganusfuscescens)體長約2 cm魚苗聚集,並以所建置的藻場作為棲息與覓食場域,體長達約15 cm時,藻體成長速度已不及啃食速度,覆蓋率驟降後,魚群隨之外移離開。底層藻場建置之研究
  3. 底層藻場建置技術之開發 
    可提供人工藻場所需之藻苗源,減緩天然藻場的破壞,目前已開發的2種馬尾藻均能發展成底層藻場。中國半葉馬尾藻:將已育苗170日的多葉葉狀體藻苗於2020年11月13日外移至紅羅藻場海域,初期藻體易受花麥螺(Euplica scripta)啃食, 12月12日葉狀體增生,藻體發展迅速,4月1日藻體已增長至200 cm,4月22日生殖托成熟,可供有性生殖受精卵收集。粉葉馬尾藻:將已育苗94日的幼體後期藻苗於2020年10月27日外移至紅羅藻場海域,11月13日態成多葉葉狀體,便進入成長蟄伏期,直至2月才開始增長,持續至6月下旬藻體長度已達60 cm,唯6月底後,受COVID-19疫情影響無法觀察藻體成熟階段。


  1. The development of the Sargassum glaucescens seedling production technique  
    In the past four years, we investigated the S. sphagnum in Penghu waters. The reproductive sori matured in July, and the zygotes releasement peaked between July 4th and July 15th. The seedlings reached sporophyte stage at the end of October, and go through a period of dormancy until the end of January. The seedlings kept growing from February to mid-June(In the natural environment they would grow until late July).The investigation was suspended during COVID-19 pandemic period, thus the adult stage couldn’t be observed. Although the seedling production skill for S. sargassum is well-developed now, but the proliferation of seaweeds is an obstacle to overcome. The introduction of juvenile algivorous conch, e. g., Tectus pyramis and Laevistrombus canarium, into the cultivation environment would effectively minimize the impact.
  2. The application of macroalgae cultivation system – the revitalization of an abandoned fishing port
    The macroalgae cultivation system was deployed in a abandoned fishing port. The system covered 50 % of the surface area of the fishing port and improve the habitat in 65 days. It was observed that a large number of Siganus fuscescens fry aggregated and foraged in the system. After the reduction of algal coverage as a result of grazing, the fish fingerlings moved out of the area when they reached about 15 cm.
  3. The development seabed cultivation system
    The seabed cultivation system could provide macroalgae seedlings for farming, thus reduce the dependency on the natural colony. We’re now able to cultivate two species of macroalgae on seabed. S. hemiphyllum var. chinense: a batch of seedlings cultivated for 170 days were planted in Hongluo sea area in November 11th, 2020. The blades were easily grazed by Euplica scripta at the start, but the biomass grew fast in December and reached about 200 cm in length on April 1st. The reproductive sori were mature on April 22nd and produced zygotes ready to be collected. S. sphagnum: a batch of late stage seedlings cultivated for 94 days were planted in Hongluo sea area in October 27th, 2020. The seedlings reached sporophyte stage on November 13th, and entered dormant state until February. The algal structure reached about 60 cm by the last third of June, while the adult stage left unobserved due to the COVID-19 pandemic after June.