

  • 日期:98-04-20
  • 計畫編號:98農科-1.1.7-水-A1
  • 年度:2009
  • 主持人:張錦宜
  • 研究人員:張至潔、吳嘉哲

本研究開發出一個可以完全由一般消費者操作、自行檢測各種樣本中親水性產氣單胞菌 (Aeromonas hydrophila) 的簡易套組 (以下簡稱A-kit)。其特色為簡單、快速、結果明顯易判、不須附加儀器設備且不需假手技術人員。使用時以吸管取一滴檢體 (約40 ul) 添加於A-kit試劑中,經6~24小時,若A-kit變為紅紫色,則表示檢體中有A. hydrophila,而A-kit變色的時間則可相對應於檢體中A. hydrophila的數量。在專一性方面,以44株水產病原菌、16株淡水環境常在菌、 24株海水環境常在菌與A-kit逐一測試,確認僅A. hydrophila會讓A-kit變色。


The kit, named Aeromonas hydrophila fast detecting kit (A-kit), which can be used by general consumers to detect the numbers of A. hydrophila in different samples has been developed in this project. The distinguishing designs of this kit are friendly to use and fast easily to read the results. Moreover, the assistance by technicians or equipments is not necessary while using the kit. To handle the kit, only one drop (about 40 ul) of sample was needed to add into the tube. Positive results can be represented by color change (from colorless to red-purple) in 6 to 24 hours. The timing of colorization related to the number of A. hydrophila in samples. For specificity analysis, 44 reference strains of fish pathogens, 16 isolates from freshwater and 24 isolates from seawater were tested with A-kit one by one. The result confirms that only A. hydrophila can make A-kit changing color.
As the series products of “Easy kit” developed in Fisheries Research Institute, A-kit can not only quantitatively determine the numbers of A. hydrophila in samples, it but also can conduct the bacterial susceptibility test to quickly screen out the correct medicine, avoid from the waste of drugs with no use and prevent the resistant strains. Using the friendly detecting tool well, even a common fish farmer can practice the sanitation management by himself.