

  • 日期:98-04-20
  • 計畫編號:98農科-3.1.3-水-A1
  • 年度:2009
  • 主持人:蔡慧君
  • 研究人員:吳純衡、李京樺、陳玉真、陳德祥

魷魚皮為加工過程中所產生之副產物,僅利用作為飼料或肥料使用,不具經濟價值。本研究之目的主探討魷魚皮中機能成分之萃取與應用方式。試驗結果顯示魷魚皮組成分中以粗蛋白質為主約佔乾物總重 70.6%。胺基酸組成中以甘胺酸含量最多 (36.5%),次為 Pro 和 Hyp 合計約佔總量之 53.1%。魷魚皮酵素水解物中含有 80.97% 分子量 < 3000 Da 的機能性胜肽,同時顯現強抗氧化活性,其 DPPH 自由基之清除力、螯合亞鐵能力、還原力和 SOD 活性分別為89.76%、95.42%、2.63和 98.80%。魷魚皮酵素水解物經 14 天口服 (15 gkg-1 body weight) 急毒性試驗證實具有食用安全性。此外酵素水解物不僅具有 ACE的抑制能力,可顯現血壓調節的效果。同時亦可活化神經細胞並提升其抗氧化酵素 (SOD) 之活性,因而減緩 H2O2 對神經細胞所造成的氧化損傷。以納豆菌 (Bacillus natto) N1 和 N3 發酵魷魚皮 96 小時可產生較高活性之血栓分解酶 (10.0 ; 10.9 FU/mL)。另發酵物對 ACE 亦有抑制效果其值分別為 91.98 %及 90.35%。綜合上述結果顯示,魷魚皮之水解物或其納豆菌之發酵物具有良好的抗氧化、血壓調節與血栓清除的能力,可應用做為機能保健食品或營養補充品之海洋性新素材的發展潛力,達到活用低度利用水產資源之目的。


Squid skins are one kind of byproducts during the processing; some of them are used as feedstuff or fertilizer, but with low economic value. In order to utilize the squid skins completely, the extraction methods and functional properties were investigated. In proximate analysis showed that crude protein was the mainly composition in squid skin and accounts for 70.6% of a dry weight basis. The predominant free amino acids (FAAs) of squid skin were glycine, proline and hydroxyproline, which amounted to 53.1% of total FAAs. Squid skin hydrolysate was prepared by an enzymatic hydrolysis with commercial protease, which contained 80.97% peptides with the molecular weight less than 3000 Da. Further, the hydrolysates exhibited strong antioxidant abilities, including DPPH free radical scavenging activity, chelating activity of Fe2+, reducing power, and SOD activity, the valves were 86.76%, 95.42%, 2.63 and 98.80%, respectively. Furthermore, the hydrolysates were safety, that demonstrated by the acute toxicity test with a daily dose of 15 g/kg body weight for consecutive 14 days. Moreover, the hydrolysates could not only exhibit blood pressure regulation by against the angiotensin I-converting enzyme, but also could prevent H2O2-induced cytotoxicity, which was well reflected in the elevation of SOD (superoxide dimutase) activity. In addition, the fibrinolytic enzyme activity from squid skin with Bacillus natto N1 and N3 after 96hr fermentation appeared 10.00 FU/mL and 10.90 FU/mL, respectively. These fermented products were also shown the high angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory activity and accounted for 91.98 % (N1) and 90.35% (N3). Summary results indicated the potential of the hydrolysate or fermented products from squid skin could be used as a novel candidate for antioxidant, blood pressure regulatory and fibrinolytic agents on the functional foods or supplementary. Therefore, optimal utilization of this under-utilized squid skin, especially the production of value-added products, is a promising means to increase the revenue of producers.