
簡單重複序列與單一核酸多型性分子標誌在野生及養殖德班氏活額蝦 (Rhynchocinetes durbanensis)基因歧異度之研究

  • 出版日期:110-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    The Use of SSR and SNP Molecular Markers to Analyze Genetic Diversity Among Wild and Farmed Rhynchocinetes durbanensis
  • 作者:顏綵葭•城振誠•宋嘉軒
  • 作者auther(英):Chai-Hsia Gan, Chen-Cheng Cheng and Chia-Hsuan Sung
  • 卷別:29
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:37-48

本研究為開發德班氏活額蝦 (Rhynchocinetes durbanensis) 種原之遺傳資料庫,應用次世代定序平台建構DNA核酸序列資料庫與限制酶切位點標定法 (restriction associated DNA sequencing, RAD) 資料庫,並以生物資訊分析從資料庫中篩選出10組多型性的簡單重複序列 (simple sequence repeat, SSR) 分子標誌及429,078個單一核苷酸多型性 (single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP) 基因序列來檢測水產試驗所澎湖中心種原庫穩定繁殖F3種蝦遺傳資訊,並與市售野生族群比較基因歧異度 (genetic diversity)。10組SSR基因座對偶基因頻度分析顯示養殖族群平均異型合子觀測值Ho大於期望值He,表示基因歧異度高;與野生族群比較平均基因變異數為0.04478,兩族群間基因歧異度為0.0184,皆無統計顯著差異;貝氏歸群分析法顯示養殖與野生族群在統計上無顯著遺傳分化。以解析度較高之SNP序列分析養殖與野生個體之間基因型差異的結果顯示,429,078個SNP位點,養殖個體特有對偶基因數量為162,109個,較少於野生個體特有對偶基因數194,579個;利用集群親緣分析解析養殖及野生個體之間遺傳距離為0.087,親緣關係樹狀圖可以區分養殖及野生群。以次世代定序解構之SSR及SNP分子標記解析養殖三代德班氏活額蝦群內基因歧異度高,沒有顯著基因窄化現象,與野生族群沒有顯著遺傳分化,能區分養殖及野生群的SNP基因序列可以用來制定種原維護及育種目標。


DNA sequence and restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) databases were used to perform Rhynchocinetes durbanensis genotyping using a next-generation sequencing (NGS) platform. Ten simple-sequence repeat (SSR) markers and 429,078 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci were identified for the analysis of genetic diversity among wild and farmed R. durbanensis populations. The genetic differentiation index (Fst) for the SSR analysis between the wild and farmed populations was 0.0184, and population structure analysis using Bayesian inference indicated no significant genetic differentiation. A total of 162,109 specific SNP alleles were identified within the farmed population, which were fewer than the number identified in the wild population, which contained 194,579 specific SNP alleles. Homozygosity within the farmed population was higher than that for the wild population. A maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree separated the farmed and wild samples into 2 groups. However, p-value analysis did not reveal significant differences between farmed and wild samples. The Fst value inferred by SNP analysis between the two populations was 0.087, indicating no significant differentiation