
紅葡萄藻 (Botryocladia leptopoda) 胜肽於血壓調節之研究

  • 出版日期:110-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    The Peptides Derived from Botryocladia leptopoda in the Regulation of Hypertension
  • 作者:易琮凱‧張嫆欣‧柯芬妮‧蔡慧君
  • 作者auther(英):Tsung-Kai Yi, Jung-Hsin Chang, Fenny Crista and Huey-Jine Chai
  • 卷別:29
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:69-80

本研究將紅葡萄藻 (Botryocladia leptopoda) 經酵素及鹼處理萃取的蛋白質,利用蛋白質體技術鑑定其所含的蛋白質種類,並從中挑選親緣關係與紅葡萄藻較為相近且序列覆蓋率較高的核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶 (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit) 以及藻紅蛋白β鏈 (phycoerythrin beta chain) 等2種蛋白質序列,經BIOPEP-UWM活性胜肽資料庫分析比對,顯示紅葡萄藻蛋白質具有血管收縮素轉化酶 (angiotensin converting enzyme, ACE) 抑制活性及抗氧化活性。再藉由 BIOPEP 資料庫模擬酵素水解紅葡萄藻後發現,胃蛋白酶之水解物相較其他酵素處理組具有最高的ACE抑制活性 (97.65 ± 1.78%),與市售臨床用藥卡托普利 (Captopril) 無顯著差異,且不受pH值之影響。另紅葡萄藻之胃蛋白酶水解物以分子量≧10 kDa之區分物對ACE及NO產生量的抑制作用顯著高於小分子量的區分物 (≦3 kDa和3–10 kDa)。綜上述結果,利用BIOPEP-UWM 的資料庫模擬酵素水解紅葡萄藻可產生具有調節血壓的活性胜肽,與預測的結果吻合,顯示蛋白質體學之質譜技術搭配BIOPEP-UWM 能夠作為協助製備功能性水解物或胜肽之有力工具,而紅葡萄藻的蛋白酶水解物,特別是分子量 >10 kDa的區分物,可作為調節血壓保健產品之機能素材。未來可以進一步純化分析其中的ACE抑制胜肽,並且定序其胺基酸組成,據以開發調節血壓之保健食品。


In this study, Botryocladia leptopoda was analyzed to identify proteins and bioactive peptides. First, the proteins expressed by Botryocladia leptopoda were extracted using enzymatic and alkali treatments and identified using proteomics. Two proteins, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit and phycoerythrin beta chain, were chosen for the analysis of potential bioactive peptides based on phylogenetic relationships and the higher sequence coverage. The two identified protein sequences were subjected to potential active peptide analysis and simulated enzyme hydrolysis using the BIOPEP-UWM database. The results showed Botryocladia leptopoda was predicted to generate peptides with angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory and antioxidant activities. The simulated enzymatic hydrolysis of Botryocladia leptopoda using 6 different enzymes showed that the pepsin hydrolysate produced peptides with the highest ACE inhibitory activities (97.65% ± 1.78%) compared with the other hydrolysates, which was consistent with the BIOPEP-UWM simulation results. The predicted ACE inhibitory activity of the pepsin hydrolysate is not significantly different from that of a commercial hypertension drug (captopril) used clinically, and the pepsin hydrolysate activity was not affected by pH. In addition, the peptides derived from the pepsin hydrolysate with molecular weights ≥10 kDa showed the best ACE inhibitory activity and nitric oxide contents compared with peptides with molecular weights of 3–10 kDa and ≤3 kDa, respectively. This study demonstrates that a proteomics approach combined with the BIOPEP-UWM database can be a powerful tool to assist with the preparation of functional hydrolysates or peptides. This study also revealed that protein hydrolysates generated from Botryocladia leptopoda contain peptides with ACE inhibitory activities, especially those in the molecular weight ≥10 kDa fraction, which can be used as a natural material for blood pressure management. The ACE inhibitor peptide from Botryocladia leptopoda proteins could be purified and the sequence determined in future studies to develop functional supplemental foods.