

  • 出版日期:101-12-31
  • 標題title(英):
    Early Osteological Development of the Spine-cheek Anemonefish (Premnas biaculeatus) in Taiwan
  • 作者:鄭明忠‧江玉瑛‧何源興‧張文炳‧彭仁君‧陳文義
  • 作者auther(英):Ming-Jong Cheng, Yu-Ying Jiang, Yuan-Shing Ho, Wen-Been Chang, Jen-Jiun Perng and Wen-Yie Chen
  • 卷別:20
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:37-48

在水溫24 ~ 28 ℃ 之飼育條件,棘頰海葵魚 (Spine-cheek anemonefish, Premnas biaculeatus) 於孵化後,即可觀察許多骨骼之發育已達一定程度並可於第1日開始攝食。此時頭部所有骨骼均以軟骨形式存在,上頜骨、齒骨與咽齒骨會隨著口部發育於第2日開始骨化,第2與第3日的仔魚可見前頜骨、頜骨、齒骨、鰓蓋條和主匙骨陸續骨化,因游泳能力不佳,仔魚必須依靠密克爾氏軟骨、篩骨板、舌骨等來支撐仔魚口部,因此餌料選擇以游動性相對較慢的輪蟲為主。第 4 ~ 5日,仔魚口徑為 0.68 ± 0.26 mm,此時骨化之咽齒有助於輾碎和破壞獵物結構,因此餌料補充可兼投橈足類,且此時準備進入脊索末端上屈中期;第 7 ~ 8 日,下尾骨開始骨化並可發現牙齒形成,仔魚游泳速度加快並可咬合獵物,因此餌料可改變為較大型之橈足類;第 10 日,脊索末端上屈後期且鰭條開始發育,仔魚游泳能力明顯增強;第 13 ~ 15 日,仔魚各部位鰭條大多骨化完成且體色開始轉變,魚苗游泳能力及口徑發育更加完備,此時開始進入沈降期階段,可補充游泳能力更快、體型更大之豐年蝦及配合飼料馴餌;第 20 日,仔魚標準體長為6.38 mm,可開始接受人工粒狀飼料;第 31 日,標準體長為7.65 mm,開始進入稚魚階段。


At the water temperature of 24 ~ 28 oC, the osteological development of Spine-cheek anemonefish, Premnas biaculeatus (Bloch, 1790) larvae had partially proceeded after hatching. Larvae were fed on the first day post hatch (DPH), while all cephalic skeletons were still cartilaginous. On the 2nd DPH, the maxillary, dentary and pharyngeal teeth started to ossify. Premaxilla, maxilla, dentary, branchiostegals and celeithum ossified on the 2nd and 3rd DPH. Due to the poor swimming capability only and the Meckel’s cartilage, ethmoid plate, and hyoid bone to support the structure of mouth, larvae were fed on rotifers that have relatively slow motility. Mouth opening of larvae was 0.68 ± 0.26 mm on the 4th ~ 5th DPH. The ossified pharygeal teeth helped shredding and wrecking food including copepods which were also supplied concurrently. Notochord flexion was also occurring. The hypurals and dentary teeth ossified on the 7th ~ 8th DPH that larvae could swim faster and eat larger adult copepods. The development of notochord postflexion was completed, caudal rays began to develop and larval swimming increased significantly on the 10th DPH. Most rays in the various parts of the larvae well ossified and body coloration pattern changed on the 13th ~ 15th DPH. The ability of larval swimming well developed and mouth opening increased as the sedimentation stage. Larval swam faster that large-size Artemia and mixed food can be fed. The larvae began to eat the larger artificial pellet feed (SL, 6.38 ± 0.8 mm) on the 20th DPH and reached the juvenile stage (SL, 7.65 mm) on the 31th DPH.